Chapter 14 - brother in law

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" Okay its now Mr Rivera's turn." Said the speaker as his name and picture appeared on the big screen.

Shit he looked fine as hell I won't lie.

"The bet begins on five hundred thousand" and the moment he announced that the numbers kept going up.

"25million ," a feminine voice said. Everyone gasped and looked at the source of the voice.

Seriously ?

Out of all the people that had to be rich enough to offer that it just so happens that Leanna was the one who has to offer 25 fucking million to spend an entire night with my husband.

" and sold. Enjoy your time Ms Leanna" said the speakers.

Lorenzo now on the other hand was looking at me furiously as he got off stage.

" I'm really sorry " I mouthed to him but he definetly wasn't having any of it.

He and Leanna sat on a table that was across the room but he made sure he sat facing me the whole time. And the fact that he didn't break eye contact while settling himself down explained just how much trouble I was in.

Mario was sold for 10 million. Shit I just don't know how else to explain this. Then Alexio was sold for 10.5 million.

Out of all the men who had been auctioned tonight my lovely husband was sold the highest because of his psycho girlfriend.

"Now we'd really like to give a special thanks to our participants and buyers for the males but before that let us introduce you to our female participants" said the speaker.

"Yes , we know we said only 5 females would be participating tonight but a rare jewel caught our eyes during the auction of the males. We had to add her last minute because it was hard to just ignore her." The speaker added.

"Now if you can all move your attention to the big screen to our right we shall begin and do as we had done before"

All the contestants number one to five were so elegantly dressed others not even but still they all were beautiful.

"Our number six participant , unfortunately we haven't been able to access any of her previous pictures but we'll use the one taken of her tonight " he informed.

Everyone turned their attention to the big screen again and after about like 5 seconds I appeared.

Wait , what?

I appeared.

That's literally me right now.

It's me with the dress I'm wearing , seating on the same table I am sitting right now.

Seriously ?

I knew I was right when I said I hated this game.

I stood up and everyone cheered well everyone except for my husband who looked like he was about to burn the whole building.

Oh well , he's gonna have to make peace with it someday. He can't be angry forever.

Getting to the stage. Shit I didn't even think there were so many people at this thing. Now I get why Lorenzo gave me some of those rules.

They now are starting to make sense.

Girls we sold at a much much much higher prices so far the biggest bidder had gone all the way to 65million.

Are they all in the mafia or its something else.

This charity ball better be helping kids all over the world because this is crazy.

"And now lastly its now time for Mrs Rivera." Said the speakers. "The price will start at-" but he was cut short by someone

"20 million " and everyone else began bidding.

"40 million"

"50.5 million"

"One " boomed a voice from the back. "One hundred million " and everyone cheered.

"And we're sold. Thank you so much for helping us fund our global charities and I'm sure all the money you've promised to pay out will help in so many ways but one. " said the speaker and everyone went about their business at the ball

" I hope you don't mind spending the rest of the ball with me " said one person I never even thought existed.

He extended his hand to me inorder to help me get down from the stage.

"My name is Luca Bernadi. You can just call me Luca and you are ?"

Why is he making this seem so casual. This is anything but casual. Lorenzo only mentioned his name.

Why didn't he mention something this important.

"Hey , our table is right here " he said while pulling out the chair for me.

"Listen , I know you might be quite uncomfortable here but I'm just as uncomfortable as you are. I can't spend this whole ball calling you Mrs River. You know it-" but I cut him off when I snapped at him.

"And you think I'm so happy spending this ball with someone who looks exactly like my husband?" I asked him.

He seemed a little shocked before he let off a huge smirk.

"Seems Enzo chose a feisty one." He said leaning into his seat.

"You see , he's my baby brother. He doesn't like me that much. He doesn't exactly have that what does he call it he-"

"I don't have time you Luca. Its called time is simpler terms. I really don't have time for you Luca and neither has my wife. So excuse us" he said and he grabbed my hand.

As we were about to walk away I couldn't make it three steps away from Luca.

"See baby brother. I paid for her and taking her before the night is actually over , I don't know. That can make me angry" he said.

"And you think I care ?" Asked Lorenzo almost in a sarcastic way.

"You should care" he replied while taking out his gun and pressing it against my back.

Seriously in less than 3 months of meeting Lorenzo this has to be the second time I get shot.

This is crazy.

"Luca , you seriously test my patience in so many ways but one. But it seriously is foolish of you to think you can point your gun at the Italian Mafia queen and everything will stay as is it" said Lorenzo with a satisfied smirk.

"Why don't you put your gun down Mr Bernadi. Your men are already quite out numbered" said Mario who had his gun pointing at Luca.

Luca looked around and so how the odds were against him.

"Fuck this " he cursed and put his gun away before walking out of the hall.

Lorenzo immediately pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you okay ?" He asked with full on worry evident in his voice.

"You didn't tell you had a brother." I said to him.

"You didn't bid for me at the auction so I'm certain we're even" he said to me before he took my hand is his.

"Let's go home."

"I can't believe I met my brother in law"

"Don't ever call him that Victoria" I just giggled but still did it again.

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