Chapter 4 - news flash

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Getting off the jet we're met by several  guards  all dressed in black and some of them had a tattoo  that I couldn't quite looked at because of how dark it was.

"Get to the car Victoria and close the door behind you" said the guy with his hand at the small of my back again.

I was about to argue but he gently shook his head. "Not now Victora. Get into the car and close the door" he said looking at me straight into the eye.

I just complied and got into the car but before I could close the door properly I heard a gunshot. Multiple  gunshots for that matter.

I opened the car door again only to see a man's  body falling to the ground. " none of you will look at her like that again , and if by any slight mistake you do death is already in your fate. Do you get that?" He said and the nodded in unison.

"Get rid off him" he said before we got to me..

"I thought I told you to close the door."

"Well how unfortunate  that I didn't" I replied looking at him.

"You should learn to obey"

"Are you my master?" I encountered back.

"I'm more than your master Victoria" was all he said before he got into the car with me and the cars departed from the airport.

I didn't even know where I was going  with this man. I knew he was the Capo of the Italian  Mafia  but that was it. I knew nothing more nor less.

" at least tell me why I'm here?" I asked him but he completely ignored me.

"Please just tell me " I persisted but still he kept mum.

"Stupid asshole " I muttered annoyed by his silence.

"Watch your language princepessa. I dont take  well to a woman of my company talking like that." He said in a warning tone but I wasn't having none of it.

"You don't own me. You can not control me" I argued back.

"Yet , amor. I don't control you yet" he said and began lighting his lighter again which was now getting on my nerves.

He first doesn't tell me why he's brought me all the way to Italy  and he talks about owning me then starts playing with his stupid lighter.

You know what , I take it back.

He is sexually frustrated and that's a fact.

The whole ride to wherever we were going was now silent with no-one  wanting to entertain the other.

Soon the cars took a right turn entering into this beautiful estate. I would lie if I said I've seen anything like this.

This was more than beautiful.It was magnificent. From the fountains , lawns , driveways and some statues it was all just perfect. This was a place I'd always wanted to stay at.

"Glad you liked it " he said before opening  the door and allowing me to get off the car after him with his hand at the small of my back as always.

"Good to have you back Capo. Your mother has been waiting eagerly  for your arrival. When can I expect  you back at the warehouse ?" Asked a man who we just met outside.

"After a week."

"A week , Capo that's impossible given the par-"

"Mario , you of all people should know I don't like repeating myself." He said to him.

"Apologies , Capo. A week it is" said Mario before he excused himself and went about his own way.

Opening the door and entering the huge mansion my breathe got stuck in my throat.

This place screamed millions. I felt small in the place. It was all too beautiful  and perfect as it was and everything was exactly where it should be.

"This is  beautiful" I murmured  looking at all the designs.

Soon a lady who looked to be around her 50s but still well built came down the stairs with a huge smile plastered on her face.

" Oh my baby , you're back" she said as she engulfed the guy in a hug. "Thank you Mother  Mary , for keeping my baby safe." She said and she looked up and then proceeded to kiss his forehead.

"I've been gone for just two days mother. I'm fine" he explained.

"Nonsense , you'll never understand the worry of a mother" she said to him before she  turned to me and her smile altered.

Great , I was not her fan. We definetly  were not going to get along but who the fuck cares.

"You've brought another one of them home again." She said.

Excuse me. One of them. Me ? Oh she's got some nerve.

"You do this everytime. You bring different girls into your father's house and make them do unholy things with you under this roof. Why son ?" She asked him.

Excuse me , she thinks I'm her son's whore.

What the fuck !

"Mom it's not like that. I told you that has ended a long time ago. This is different" he told her.

So he does bring whores into his parents house how pathetic.

"It's different because you've brought her in broad daylight."

Wow , she just won't stop won't she ?

"This is what she is a gold digger. She's here because she knows what you have. She will ruin you papi. Don't eve-"

Okay I've had enough of this.

I turned to my heels and went back straight to where I'd come from.

His mother is the exact replica of Tony's  mom.

"Victoria" he said as he got to me whilst I was outside. I didn't even want to talk to him.

I tried proceeding with my journey but he blocked my way.

Trying to move past him was useless because he only tried to block my way further.

" Hey,  hey , hey. What's going on. Where do you think you're going ?"

I scoffed and looked  at him surprised. "Oh I'm sorry. I don't think I was supposed to stand next to you when your mother continued to throw all kinds of insults my way"

"She didn't mean that "

"Which part?"

"Huh ?"

"Which freaking part did  she not mean?" I asked him loosing my patience but he just kept quiet.

"Was it the part where she subsequently  called me a whore or the part she called me a gold digger or better yet the moment she started talking about witches. Which part?"

He continued looking at me shocked.

"I was walking away but I infact heard her when she said I'm a witch who is trying to control you for you power. Seriously are witches even real?"  I asked him.

I was about to walk away from him but he held my wrist.

" you don't get to walk away  Victoria."

" do I get to stay and enjoy your mother's  insults?" I asked him.

"No "

"Then what?" I asked him.

"You have no option but to stay here" he told me.


"Because in the next 24hours you'll get to be the Donna of my Mafia. You'll get to be my WIFE!"

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