Chapter 45 : Samantha P1

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I just sat there unable to eat my food , unable to even take my eyes off her. I was scared if I looked away for even a moment ,she'd disappear.

She giggled at Noah's actions  and continued feeding him. He really wasn't a difficult  baby at all.

However the fact that Noah is addressing Alicìa  as his mother has me confused. Our relationship  never got to that part  , she doesn't look married to anyone else but she has a baby calling him mommy.

Does she have a boyfriend ?

Shit , I couldn't get these thoughts out of my head. What the hell is going on here.

The guys are just as taken aback as I am.  Mario was looking at her as if he was trying to  find something different about her.

Luca was looking at her confused not sure if it's actually her.

Tom had a serious face but his eyes were glossy.

"A-A-Alicia" I finally managed to say after  what seemed like an eternity of silence.

She now focused on the four of  us and not baby Noah who she'd been feeding the whole time.

"What happened ?" I asked her.  "What happened three years ago because everything now seems confusing and overwhelming." I told her honestly.

She looked at us then sighed deeply.

"It's a really long story " she confessed and chuckled lightly.


After  Alicia left  Lorenzo on the pretext  of
Marilyn  calling her.

Her stomach was   filled with exploding  butterflies.  The thought of carrying Lorenzo's children gave her butterflies.

She was walking aimlessly lost in her own thoughts when she heard  painful groans coming from the other hallway.

Of course she had to help. She couldn't risk not to.

She followed the sound rushing hoping to help in whatever way she can.

Taking the next bend following the sound a cloth covered her mouth and she felt a needle prick her neck.

She tried her   level best to call out for help but the chloroform  cloth was making her efforts futile.

She succumbed to the darkness and just held on to the hope that Lorenzo would find her.

She was in and out of consciousness  but everytime she'd her people crying , screaming or others  just plain on shouting to be let out.

She finally managed to gain control of her mind and  body and she finally took in her surroundings.

There were three double beds each with a different woman laying on it.

Next to hers was a heavily pregnant  woman who just caressed her swollen belly lost in thought.

The other three were on the other side of the room. One of then was bleeding from her head and the wound seemed recent.

Alicìa  held on to her head as  a sharp pain coursed through it.

"Don't stress yourself by overthinking  where we are and even how we got here. Don't force yourself to remember anything. It'll  only hurt you a lot more." Said the woman who was next to her. .

"They've been injecting us with this weird green substance it's taking over our minds and  its like we  cease function " she explained further.  "Lie down. Your headache will subside soon. " She assured her and Alicìa  did as she was told.

After some moments she spoke again "I'm Samantha" she finally said.  "Samantha Williams" she added and that caused Alicìa  to look at her.

"You mean -" but she didn't finish as Samantha  nodded her head.

"Yes , the wife of  the  number  one most wanted persons on the American CIA , NSA and FBI  lists. Yeah" she said.

"How did you get here?" Asked Alicìa

"Our fates are quite similar , we were all kidnapped. Taken from our homes and husbands into this place where they are gonna auction us and the  highest bidder  gets to decide  how he wants us killed." She said with a plain tone you'd think she's not scared.

"W-what!" Was all Alicìa  could say.

"How long have we been in here?" She asked Samantha.

"It's gonna be 3 weeks in the  next two days." She replied to her and that kept on adding to Alicia's  already  existing shock.

There was a long silence between them. Samantha just let it be like that because she really could understand  what Alicìa  was going through so she let her process everything.

With her head back on the pillow she drifted into   troublesome sleep.

She dreamt of Lorenzonand her wedding day , she even dreamt of her throwing a dagger right into her father in law's shoulder , she dreamt about how her dad tortured her for so long. Waking up sweating she heard painful moans from across the room.

She frowned as she knew she'd heard them before.

Then it dawned her how she got to this place. She'd ran into a hallway where she was injected with something and she ended up here.

"We need to get out of here" she said but it was mostly to herself.

She began to panick. She couldn't think straight. Her heart was pounding greatly in her chest she had to place her hand over it to try to calm herself.

She thought of Lorenzo and everything  made sense. She could feel herself getting calmer. She finally took a breathe of relief and a small smile rose to her lips.

"How the hell are you smiling right now. We're  trapped in the smelly room and you're smiling. "  said one of the girls  from across the room. 

She walked over to her and towered her standing  figure over  Alicia's

"Are you working with the people who've  put us in here ?" She asked furiously. "ANSWER ME , damn it!" She yelled and raised her hand ready to slap Alicìa.

Alicìa  caught the girl's  hand mid air   and stood up still holding it.

"Ever since I've woken up,  I don't remember talking to you. So please the last thing I want is teaching how to behave yourself because clearly that's what those guys out there have been doing all along " she said to her calmly.

"Now go back to your side of your room and if you dare come this  side , I promise you I'll kill  you before those guys out there do" she threatened her. The girl just looked at her slightly scared but didn't dare to show it.

She turned and walked to the other end of the room with her tail between her legs.

Just then Samantha  winced in pain and  held onto her stomach again.

"Are you okay ?" Asked Alicìa  with her voice filled with concern.

"These two kick alot. There's a 48% chance that one of my babies might be a stillborn and my anemia issue might just cause problems for me during my delivery " she said sadly looking at her stomach.

Alicìa  couldn't let that happen. She had to get her out of here. If anything , Alicìa would rather die than let Samantha  be in this place a minute longer.

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