chapter 3 - dreams

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I just stared out the window while i distinctly  heard Irvine's voice talking to whoever. Im confused , scared and surprised that  some Italian guy just came and fished me out of a funeral and brought me into his jet that's about to take off to Italy.

Irvine is so excited about it but he definetly has no clue  about where we're  going and the situations we're  about to face.

Just then Mr Mafia came and sat infront of me. "Why are you taking me  to Italy ?" I asked him.

"Because piccola  that's is where you belong" he answered before he started playing with his lighter again. It seemed to be a habit he was used to.

"I don't want to be in Italy " I whispered but he turned his attention to me again.

"Don't worry too much Victoria , you are safe as long as you're with me. And God save anyone who tries to mess with you" he said before he further leaned into his seat and closing his eyes.

If in anyway he thought those words convinced me well , yeah they did.

Taking a deep breath I looked out of the window as the jet was now on the runway.

Italy wasn't going to be a 10minute fly so I better sleep its not like there's  anything better to do anyway.

Leaning further into the window for some sort of comfort  I slept of my worries of Italy and prepping myself  for whatever trouble Italy had to offer.
" Alexio and Alessandro are here but I don't see the girl. Where is she ?"  My father asked.

"I'm sure she'll be right down Herman" answered my mother as she closed the lunchbox she was packing. 

Father didn't  appreciated anyone who was late not even by a minute.
"Alicìa  come downstairs quickly. Your father is waiting" called out mommy to me as she stood at the bottom of the stairs case.

I really wanted to come downstairs. I really wanted to but how could I. I was hurt with no pain. I was bleeding  from in between my legs and I didn't know what to do.

There was a huge red dot on my bed because of the bleeding and I didn't know how to make it stop.

"Mommy , please come " I called out to her.

"Mommy please  I need you " I begged but she didn't come , she never did. Soon I heard footsteps coming towards my door.

I pulled the bed sheets even higher trying to hide myself because I knew who was coming and I didn't  want to face him.

"You think I have all day for you!" He yelled as he threw my door open.

"You're still in bed. You ungrateful bustard. You think I have patience with someone like you. You waste my time every single day. You behave like this. You are useless girl." He yelled as he pulled the sheets off me.

"Get off that bed now!" He yelled but I couldn't.

I was bleeding. What would he think.

"Girl , don't make me say it again. Get off that bed now!" He yelled again.

"Daddy i-" but he cut me short.

"You are not my child. All my children are boys and you are not one. You are not allowed to call me that."

"Sir please "

"Please what !"

"I can't get off , I'm hurt" I tried to explain.

He pulled me off the bed and he noticed the blood stain that was both on my clothes and on the bed.

"Disgusting " he muttered and quickly pushed me away like some disease.

"What is this ! Miriam!" He called for my mother.

Moments later she came rushing in and when she noticed the problem she quickly gathered the bloody sheets and put them aside.

"This is the kind of filth I do not like in my house. This is the same reason why I didn't  want female to be born into this family. Look at how disgusting this is." He said looking at me like some sort of dismantled  artifact.

"Get it out of my sight this instant !" He yelled

"Yes , Herman right away." Said my mom.

"Daddy I'm sorry I didnt-" but I made a mistake again and that earned me two slaps from him.

"That is not your title to call me by. Only the worthy call me by that title and the worthy are my sons"  he said before he walked away banging the door in the process.

I wake up gasping for air with beads of sweat on my forehead.

"Bad dream ?" Asked a voice that almost made me flinch. I just nodded before I noticed  my surroundings.

I was on a bed. How did I get here though?

"How di-"

"You dozed off and you didn't look comfortable there so I brought you back here to sleep for the rest of the flight but now that you're  awake let's go to the others. The plane is about to land." He said and adjusted his shirt before walking out of the  room.

After I sat back in my original position , Irvine was the one who was sitting across from me.

"Listen , I  noticed you went to sleep without taking your sleeping pills. Did you have a  bad dream?" He asked me

I just shook my head and smiled  at him.

"I don't even know why you bother trying. Just tell me the truth. It was about him wasn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Are you okay ?"

"I'm standing frozen as ice bitch" I assured him before he smiled back.

"Hey , when was the last time you took your medicines ?" He asked with full on worry on his face and I couldn't blame him.

My dreams tend to turn into reality if I don't do anything about them soon.




We both chuckled before I took his hand in mine.

"Hold me tight will you?"

"Always bitch.  I'm forever by your side." He informed.

Just as if on queue  my headed started hurting.

"Damn you Herman  the day i get to you I'm gonna open your head  with a  fucking saw."

"Victoria. Are you alright?" Asked the Italian  guy as he watched me closely.

"Well if you'd done your research  properly  you'd know how much is it not cool and stupid to take a woman's  purse especially  mine" I bit back before closing my eyes and letting Herman's face terrorise my mind and soul.

The hallucinations  broke me every single time and that's what made me feel useless every freaking time.

"Victoria" I heard his voice and I held on to Irvine's  hand tighter.

But this torture  didn't go as far as it usually went.

I felt a wet cloth covering my nostrils.

I didn't have the  energy to fight it because just was too tired for it.

I inhaled  the scent and allowed the darkness to creep over me.

"That's better than  your pops making you see things. Night night  Vicki "

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