Chapter 46 : Samantha P2

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***3rd PERSON***

(Still in flashback )

"Samantha" said Alicìa  trying to get Samantha's  focus from her grave life threatening situation and look at her.

"I have to get you out of here " she said to her and Samantha  kept staring at her as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Alicìa  are you out of your mind ?"  she whispered to her but that's something that Alicìa  smile  wickedly.

"What are you thinking?" Asked Samantha  seeing the look on Samantha's  face. Alicìa  didn't respond to her but rather she stood up and went towards the door.

She banged it as loud as she could the ran back to her bed.

The moment she sat on it  the door opened revealing two heavily armed guards.

"Who hanged the door?" Asked one of the in a gruff voice.

Everyone woman in the room was quiet  and they were all looking down except for Alicìa  who was  analysing  the weaponry on each of the two guards.

"I SAID , WHO BANGED THE FUCKING DOOR !"   He yelled again firing bullets into the sky.

Just then Alicìa  stood up  pretending to be afraid  with her hands shaking.

"S-sir please " she said. "My m-med-medicine ." She added before she fell to the floor eyes closed.

"Shit !" Cursed one of the guards as he rushed to her.

He got down to her  level and tried to listen to her breathing. Just then Alicìa  opened her eyes and smiled at me..

"Boo!" Was all she said before taking the gun from him and firing it killing the guard who was still at the door and then the one who was beside her.

Of course the noise had alerted the other guards and they rushed over to see what had happened.

Just as a dozen if them stormed into the room Alicia threw a grenade at the door and all of them were reduced to nothing but ridiculous  pieces.

"We all need to move. Right now " she said  the other two girls.

One being Samantha the other she didn't know of. The other two were taking and she had already registered that they'd been killed too.

Samantha  and the other girl walked in caution behind Alicìa.

Just after rounding two bends , a loud commotion of guns and explosions was heard not too far from where they were.

As if that didn't add to their worries  Samantha's  water broke and that drove her straight into panick.

"Oh my goodness " she said holding  on to the wall for support.

"Samantha , hey . I know this is really scary but we need to move. We need to get both you and the babies to safety. You need a safe space to deliver those babies so please  , we need to keep moving" encouraged Alicìa.

"Can you help  me with her ?" Asked Alicìa  to the other girl and she just nodded before taking Samantha's  other arms and putting it across her shoulders.

"Let's take that left. " said the girl and Alicìa  nodded and they took the left following a dark hallway to a door with a bit of light  coming from the other side.

"Hey , there they are. Hurry!" Yelled a voice from behind them.

"Shit !" Cursed Alicìa.

She had to think fast.  "Take this " she said to the other girl handing her a shotgun.

"Get out of here and shoot down absolutely anyone you see trying to block your escape route and don't wait for me" said Alicìa  instructing her but she shook her head and gave the gun back to Alicìa.

"No , you get out of here  and shoot down absolutely  anyone you see trying to block your escape route and do not wait  for me" she said to Alicìa.

"Now is not the time for this. They're closing in on us" said Alicìa.

"That's exactly why  I've said so" said the other girl before she started running back from where they'd come from.

"Aaah!" Screamed Samantha as another contraction hit her.

That seemed to have  gotten Alicìa  out of her trace and she began to move with Samantha  towards the  exit.

Getting out  , some areas were on fire as if they'd just exploded.

A helicopter  was buzzing above them with some people in it. She didn't have  time to properly look at them. What mattered was the fact that she  needed to get  Samantha to safety.

Just then she heard another sound of a helicopter coming into view as she opened the door to a random car that was within the area.

"Get in and lay on your back" she said to Samantha.

After helping her  get in and closing the door the helicopter from earlier fired its missile onto the other helicopter and it blew up.

She didn't have time to take in the scene. She  hot wired the car and quickly drove off.

Hitting the  highway she drove praying to get to civilization soon so that she can get Samantha  some sort of treatment.

"I-i-i won't make it " said Samantha  in the back who was gasping for air.

Alicìa  adjusted the mirror so that she could look at her from it.

"Samantha  , hey. You're gonna make it. You're gonna safely  deliver your babies and your going to give them beautiful  names." Assured Alicìa.

"This pain. It h-hurts so much" Cried Samantha and she held on to her stomach.

"Samantha " said Alicìa.

"Samantha  answer  me !" She said again.

"Yes " she answered faintly.

"You never mentioned to me what you're going to name them "  she said to her.

"N-n-noah and Summer" said Samantha  replying to her.

"Those are great names." Said Alicia parking  infront of the hospital and calling for a stretcher.

Samantha was taken into the E.R while Alicia just hoped and prayed that everything would be alright.

For what seemed like hours of Surgery the doctor finally came out and Alicìa  stood of from her seat when she saw him.

"How is Samantha?"  She immediately  asked.

"How are you related to the patient ?" Asked the doctor looking at Alicìa  with an inquisitive  look.

"Oh , its actually a funny story. We were both  kidnapped from our home and held hostage in the same place were they auctioned us to our husbands worst enemies and the highest bidder got to decide how we'd  be killed " she said to him with absolute  no care at all.

"W-what!" Was all the   doctor could say.

"Relax , I'm joking. She's my adoptive sister." She said in a sweet tone. "Now tell me , how is she ? Are the babies okay?"  She asked and she fisted her hands to stop them from shaking.

She'd only spent a few days with Samantha  but her soft voice and the love she had for her babies made her heart beat quickly.

"Ms Samantha-" said the doctor.

"Both the babies are alright but Ms Samantha  has suffered great blood loss  during the course of delivery  hence she's not yet woken up." He explained to her.

"We've taken the babies to the nursery" he further informed her.

Alicìa  just nodded as swallowed a bug lump. "C-can  I go see her?" She asked and the doctor nodded.

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