Chapter 43 :The breakdown

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Getting into his office and closing the door behind me. Lorenzo took one last sip of his drink before putting the glass back on the table.

He stood up and took a file from his drawers and put it on the table.

Mario looked at the file then back at Lorenzo before finally opening it.

"Pierre  Van den Broeck " said Mario with confusion written  all over his face while looking back at Lorenzo.

"What's  our business with a Belgian ?" He  asked Enzo.

"He's  been holding off payment for the past 6months. He owes me 4,5 million cash. " He explained to us.

"If I can't get my money to come to me. Then I have no choice but to go to it myself." He said.

"We're  leaving for Belgium tomorrow  noon. Be ready by then and I'm sure it's more than enough time to say goodbye to whoever you're gonna say it to" he said and walked out of his office.

"Belgium" said Mario closing the file with information  on Pierre.

"Well , I hear the beer there is to die for" said Tom while typing on his phone probably making arrangements  for our stay there.

"It's weird though , Lorenzo never really goes out of the estate these days for anything as petty as this. He could've sent either one of us. Why the sudden change?" Asked Mario as we walked through the hallways back to the dinning room. Since it was almost dinner time.

"Maybe it's just him wanting a change of scenery. It could actually be good for him." I replied and he just nodded before we got to the dinning room.

Marilyn  had just finished putting all the dishes on the table and everything smelled great as always.

"Good , I was just about to call you" she said with a sweet smile plastered on her face.

Everyone took their seats along with her as well and we talked about everything we could think of.

"Isn't Lorenzo coming down?" She finally asked after a few minutes.

We all simultaneously  looked at the staircase. The man hardly ever comes down  to have dinner or any meals with us.

He stays locked away in his room and comes out only on business.

"Can you dish up for him love , I'll  take it to him" I said to her and she nodded . She then filled a plate with food and gave me some cutlery  before I went up the stairs to his room.

I knocked and waited a bit before getting into his room.

Every last one of the pictures in this room was of Alicìa. He couldn't move on so he decided to stay put in the past.

Some he was with her but the majority she was alone.

"Enzo , I brought some food for you. You need to eat."  I said to him once I found his on the balcony starring into the cold , dark night.

"I'm not hungry. You can take it back. " He said and I just sighed.

"You said that  last night and the whole of today. What are you doing to yourself Enzo?" I asked him putting the food on the table and walking towards him.

He remained quiet and motionless still starring out into the  unknown.

"Do you think Alicìa  would have wanted this for you ? Do you think she would have been happy seeing you not eating and not taking care of yourself ?" I asked him and a bit of  emotion captured his face before it was completely  gone.

He slowly turned to look at me with his eyes filled with an endless void with no telling what might become of it.

"Alicìa  , would have wanted you to be happy. She would have wanted you to take care of yourself and keep your head above the water and keep on moving , fratello. She wouldn't have wanted  this." I pressed.

"Listen one thing is for certain , Alic-" but he cut me short with the most  shocking question ever.

"Did she tell you that ?"


"Did , Alicìa  , my wife  tell you all that which you're  saying to me ?" He asked again looking at me carelessly.


"Did you talk to her?"

I shook my head confused.

"If she didn't tell you any  of the bullshit you've been saying to me then please , take your fucking  plate and get the fuck away from me." He said.

I didn't move and after I short silence he finally said.

"I miss her okay " he said. "You're not making this easy on me. You come and tell me what Alicìa  would've wanted , mom calls and tells me the same thing. You tell me to move on , but I can't " he confessed.

"Alicìa  was the love of my life. We got married and she was taken away from me in a span of just 10months." He said with his eyes  becoming blurry with tears

"Fuck " he cursed as he pulled on his hair and let out a shaky laugh.

"You know these past 10months was probably the worst time of her life" he said and sniffed.

"For starters , she got shot at her own wedding. Then  , Leanna made her feel unsafe  and made her feel as though I was going to kill her , she almost got scared of me a moment. After that she had gone out for a fucking  spar day but rather she got attacked and people shot at her. She was laying unconscious  for 5days straight.  Then my so called mother gave her a hard time from the moment she saw her. Then I almost pushed her away for a moment when I flew out to Mexico and made sure noone would tell her where I was." He said and chuckled darkly.

"She was never happy here. How could I not see that." He said to himself as tears fell from his eyes.

"But Luca , I'm just asking for one more chance to make all this right. Just one " he said looking at me.

"I want to see her , hold her in my arms and tell her that everything is definetly  going to be alright. I want to tell her that I'm here and I'll  always be. I want to make her feel safe and loved." He added.

"Fuck , I just want  to see her one last time that's all I'm asking for. " He said and sat on the floor with his back pressed  on the wall.

I moved in and sat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder as he buried his head between his legs letting it all out.

I understood this. I was familiar  to this feeling. This break down was important for him to be able to build himself up again. I was relieved it happened because it gave me some hope that finally my brother was going to heal.

Although a part of him might still long for Alicìa,  that's okay but at least he'll  be okay.

For now , I just let him have his moment

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