What's Going On?

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The sunset upon a forest as chilling winds blew into the woods; a young Jay walked into the forest, glancing around, ensuring he was alone and kept his ears sharp, listening to his surroundings. He kept his head down as he walked deep into the forest; there was silence until he heard the waves crash. He knew he was close, and the sun's light was fading. He did not want to be alone in the dark in this part of the forest.

As he walked deeper and deeper into the forest, the steady sound of crashing waves grew louder and louder. Finally, he was out of the woods and was met by the sight of sand and sea, lifting his gaze to the cliff where a familiar cabin settled. "Jay?" He heard a confused voice call out; he snapped to see Eleanor staring at him wide-eyed.

"Eleanor," he said with a warm smile. Her coral green stared at him in shock and confusion. She could not believe she was seeing a young Jay who looked like he was in his mid-twenties. The last time she saw it was five years ago, and he had grey hairs, but now... "Surprise?"

She stalked towards him and slapped him; he kept his gaze on the ground, feeling her fiery glare on him. "Jay! What have you done!?" She asked. Anger and disappointment were evident in her tone.

He smirked slightly, then a frown was on his lips, and he lifted his head, keeping his gaze on the ground. "What are you talking about?" He asked, knowing she must be greatly disappointed and shocked at what she was seeing, and he knew she had many questions to ask him.

"Jay! What have you done to yourself?"

He gazed up at the sea witch, "Can we talk in the cabin? I'll explain everything--"

"Like how you're suddenly young once again!" Her tone raised, and she glared at him.

"Especially that part," he sighed.

There was tension and silence between the two. Only the steady sound of the sea crashing surrounded the two. Eleanor sighed in frustration, then walked past Jay, "Come on." She groaned under her breath and walked ahead of him towards the cabin; in their journey, there was no silence between the two.

Once Eleanor entered inside, Jasmine ran towards her, "Eleanor! I had a vision about--"

Eleanor cuts her off, "Jay." When she said his name and stepped aside for him to enter, Jasmine gasped in shock, and her eyes widened seeing him, young once again.

He forced a nervous smile to Jasmine, "Hey..." He waved, and she glanced at Eleanor, who was pissed and rolled her eyes, then she glanced back at him.

Jasmine was too shocked to say anything, so Eleanor decided it was a perfect time to get answers from him, and now was the right time, "Okay, now that we are inside, it's time for you to spill the tea on what's going on." She said with a straight face as she closed the door.

"The old moon goddess has killed Luna," he sighed, closing his eyes and trying to stop himself from crying. The goddess he loved and would die for was killed by her mother because of him; he wanted the madness to stop and thought bringing in the first Luna would help. But it only brought nothing but pain. He saw her lifeless body lying on the floor. He could not believe his eyes, but she was lying there.


Still in shock, Jasmine stepped back until she bumped into the sofa and sat on the arm of the couch. Tears began to build up in her coral-green eyes, and she lifted her gaze to Eleanor, who kept an emotionless face. Then she glanced at Jay, who still had his eyes closed. "She is always the monster no matter the situation," Jasmine muttered softly, and a tear fell down her cheek. "She killed Selene, and you thought she would go easy on Luna! NO! That never happens with her; I knew calling her for help was bad, but you just had to... Now Luna was gone... And she never lived a long life."

There was silence until Jay spoke, "It's all my fault... I was greedy and selfish, and I never thought about the conquest. And now the woman I loved is gone."

"Oh, bull!" Eleanor snapped and glared at him. "Yes, you were greedy and selfish, but I, too, took part in this; I was the one who contacted her even though I knew how much she was the enemy. I should have told you differently, but I didn't!"

Everyone said nothing, and Jasmine broke into a sob; she placed her hand on her mouth to silence her sobs, and it was difficult, for the pain was tremendous. Luna was not just a goddess amongst them but a good friend, learning about the mortal world and wanting nothing more than peace and harmony among creation. And for a goddess, she had the shortest lifespan.

"Then why kill your mate? Where have you been hiding? Why did it take you so long to show your face? And what happened to you?" Eleanor asked without even giving him a single glance; she didn't want her rage to grow and kill him on the spot without answers.

"How did you find out about my mate?" He asked, clearing his throat as he flickered his eyes open. Brown eyes flashed grey for a second. Jasmine noticed it, and she quickly looked away. She could not believe what she saw. Was he what she thought he was?

A lycan?

"I had a vision about your mate's death," Jasmine said, keeping her gaze elsewhere than him. "I had Isaac look around, and he told us everything, that your mate was murdered and you were nowhere to be found. What made matters worse was that all evidence pointed to you as the murderer. So..." She finally dared to look at him, "Did you murder her?" She asked.

He wanted to lower his gaze from her, and she snapped, "Look at me and tell me! Did you murder an innocent woman?" She asked again.

At first, he was hesitant, but he lifted his gaze and stared straight into her pain and anger-filled eyes, "Yes. Yes, I murdered her."

The air in the room turned into ice, and tension was high. Finally, Eleanor looked at him, and a tear fell from her raging eyes. "Why?" She asked.

"I fell for the goddess's promise... She told me if I killed my mate and became a Lycan, then I would get to be with Luna, and without thinking, I went along with the goddess's word and forgot about Luna. I forgot about how she would feel about me murdering someone innocent to be with someone else. I killed my mate... I allowed the goddess to make me a Lycan, but... My true love was killed." He growled, and both his fists clenched in rage, remembering the goddess laughing at him and seeing his love laying there, dead, and it was his fault.

Eleanor started to snort and laugh, "Never believe the words of that she-devil and be fooled by her sudden kindness..."

"That is why I am here," Jay said, glancing between Jasmine and Eleanor, who were still mourning and angry. But there was no time; he had to finish things once and for all. "Someone after her blood endangers Laura, and I fear it's not only this person, but I know the goddess would one day decide to end Laura's life, including her children. The goddess talked about the children of the night being in trouble. I'm not sure what she said, but all I know is I must protect Laura from whoever is after her and even from the goddess."

Eleanor and Jasmine turned their gaze to each other like they were wondering the same thing, and Jasmine muttered, "Blood from a divine to destroy and create."

"Does it have to do with the disappearance of the high-profile vampires?" A voice beamed in the room. Everyone glanced up the stairs as Isaac walked down. He kept an emotionless face as he looked between the two high in tension. "As much as I betrayed my kind, I can't help but worry about their outcome. A meeting was called in by the vampire King, and suddenly, all those in the meeting disappeared; now that's just a huge red flag, and the goddess wants the wolf Queen to protect. Something is going on."

The vampire stopped in front of Jay and glared at him. At the same time, Jay furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Do you honestly think the goddess has something to do with the vampire's disappearance?" Jay asked.

Isaac shrugged, "Maybe, but... If she is involved and wants to play around, we should do something to end her joy ride." He glanced at his sea witch wife, "I hate seeing everyone in fear for their lives and play a foolish game without a plan."

"So, what do you suggest?" Eleanor asked.

Isaac looked back at Jay, "Tell the girl the whole story and get her to end this once and for all."

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