It's Becoming Clear

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Laura's POV

Nate held a small meeting in his study; there were the four royal Elders: Smith, Reed, Lee and Grey, Liam, Maxim, Nate himself and myself. I struggled to argue with Nate about joining this meeting, but I did it. I was part of this small meeting Nate called out after hearing Hades had encountered a vampire, worse, even if it was John's mother.

I don't know much about John's mother. I heard that she and John never saw eye to eye.

"Hades told us that he encountered Rebekah," Nate started, and everyone in the meeting began to tense up. "Somehow, she managed to slip through security and took some of my son's blood."

Elder Lee stood and bowed, "Alpha King, where was your son when he encountered her?" He asked; indeed, Elder Lee would question it because he used to be well known for his best security and best judgement of situations without second guessing.

"In the woods at night," he was hesitant to say, and I don't blame him; everyone was concerned about Hade's disappearance; at first, it was cute, but as he continued, it became concerning. Yes, as his parents, we were afraid for his safety, and it was difficult for us to understand why he did it.

Elder Lee glanced at Maxim before taking his seat, thinking that Maxim must have compelled Hades to say those things. "It wasn't Maxim if you're wondering," I said. "I say this because Hades said he was meeting with his great-grandmother, as in the moon goddess."

I met my grandmother once, and that was during Hades' first birthday; she came with a gift for him and told me that he should open it on his eighteenth birthday. Since then, I have never seen or talked with her; I wondered if she was the reason why I couldn't speak with my birth mother. But that would be a crazy thought; she would never stop a mother and daughter from talking. Also, she was the goddess. She could never be cruel-hearted.

"No one except us, the royals, knows about how the moon heavens are, with my mother being the new goddess and there being one other goddess who created us," I said.

Maxim suddenly laughed, "Why didn't I see it at first!" He shouted, threw his head back, and groaned. "The white doves," he muttered, then looked at me. "I remembered this time I was travelling with John, and every chance he got, he would catch white doves and then send them to his father's home. I thought it was a gift, but then I asked him... He told his mother he loved doves. She thought of them as angels and pure of heart."

"Saw the doves in Luna Queen's vision was Rebekah?" Liam blurted.

"It has to be," Maxim muttered, but he furrowed his brows and then looked at Nate. "But why would she take your son's blood?"

Nate shrugged, "all Hades told us was that she said something about 'the blood of a divine being is what she needed to end all the monsters.' I'm sure why it has to do with Hades' Blood."

Elder Reed gasped and stood, "There's a book in the library that I read, History of the Supernatural, and this chapter was about gods/goddess giving their blood to their servants to bless them with power but also cause them to die. It is said that the blood of a divine creates and destroys. Since Luna Queen is the daughter of the moon goddess, that would mean she is a divine being whose blood is in Hades."

Everyone glanced amongst themselves, realizing, "She going to use Hades' blood to kill vampires," Elder Grey muttered in confusion.

Elder Reed shrugged her shoulders, "it's possible."

"But she would need a witch at least... Right?" Liam asked, glancing at Elder Reed and me.

"Maybe," I muttered.

"But witches ain't a big fan of helping vampires," Elder Smith said, then glanced at Maxim.

"Well, Rebekah isn't a big fan of vampires," Maxim said.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "but she's a vampire herself?"

"She was once human; she fell in love with a vampire, and she married him still human, then she fell pregnant and that unborn child was more vampire than human. It was killing her slowly, but she never wanted to be a vampire; she told John's father not to turn her when she died. However, his father turned her after John's birth, and she wasn't the same." Maxim continued, "She hated John the moment she woke; she hated her once lover, and she hated every vampire. Rebekah became crazy, trying to kill her son if she was left alone with him; his father was torn from his love and child such that he had to send his son away for his safety. When John was old enough, he went to his mother, but she was not happy to see him; she almost killed that night. That was what I was told."

A chilling silence filled the room as we listened to Maxim tell us the story, "But John never gave up; every chance he got with his father, he would try to learn about his mother when she was human and what she liked, and he try to get those things to please her. He wanted that woman he kept hearing from his father, the woman his father loved. But matters were getting worse, especially with lycans suddenly appearing. She escaped from John's father's watchful eye."

"Now here we are," Nate spoke darkly and clenched his fists. "The vampires are going to die a horrible death because of that crazy woman. She must be getting help from someone; she couldn't have pulled this off alone. Whatever she has planned, we must stop it." Nate stood, "We must move out before it's too late, and we to bring the remaining to the palace for their protection." We all were quiet as we nodded to Nate's statement.

Why would she take this long to seek her revenge? I asked myself if she was willing to take other beings' lives just because she was angry for being a vampire. John's father was in love with her, and he never wanted to live apart from her, especially since he could bring the dead to life.

"Laura," I snapped out of my train of thought, realizing Nate was standing before me. He stretched his hand to me, and I took it and stood up. We stood close to each other, and he pulled me into a tight embrace. "I love you," he whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace, "I love you too." I whispered, suddenly feeling a massive wave of emotion. I never thought I would be with such a fantastic mate like him; Nate has always wanted nothing more than to protect those he loved. He even lied to me and kept secrets just because he was afraid that I would hate him.

"Please tell Hades that I love him too," tears started building up in my eyes. Was he trying to say farewell as if he wasn't going to come back? One of his hands slid down to my bump, "Please take it easy, rest and be comfortable. I don't want you to stress too much to the point it harms your health and our little girls."

"Nate," a sob escaped my lips as I tightened my hold. "Please come back for me, for our children..." Tears streamed down my face. This should never be the last time I see my mate. He was my everything. "Please..." I whispered.

He sighed softly, "I promise I'll give it my all..." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

I don't know if I was being greedy or selfish for wanting my mate to come back home alive. If Rebekah, John's mother, is as crazy as she sounds, I fear the worst may come from her. If she wanted the end of vampires that evil, she would give it all without hesitation.


Somewhere far in different time zones, two men carrying guns stepped down the stairs and approached a group that was waiting in front of the house. "You are the wolves sent by your king?" One asked, clenching his gun.

What seemed to be the leader stepped forward, "Yes, I'm Alpha--"

The man cut him off and asked them, "No need for introduction." He said coldly, "I don't know what game your King is playing, but we don't trust you."

The Alpha rolled his eyes, "Same." He said when suddenly a gunshot went off.

Everyone gasped in shock and glanced around to see who was shot and who made the shot, but they were shocked to see the vampire who was talking with them was shot. His eyes widened in shock and pain as he fell to his knees, and his skin began to turn into ash. Before everyone knew it, they were under attack.

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