A Night Stroll in the Woods

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Laura's POV

"Hades, your daddy and I have some news to tell," I said excitedly, leaning in with a warm smile. It was dinner time, and Nate and I thought it would be good to tell Hades that he would be a big brother to two sisters. Hades looked up at me, and then Nate sat next to me. "You'll be having two little sisters."

He kept a straight face and furrowed his brows, "do you know what that means? You have help, Daddy, making sure no boys come anyway close to them." Nate said. I gasped in shock, then hit him with my elbow, and he chuckled then grabbed my hand. But we noticed how quiet Hades was being, which was concerning, "Ain't you happy?" Nate asked.

Hades shrugged and leaned back, "I can't say that I'm not surprised; I mean, I sensed that they were girls, and I came to accept that I won't be an only child in the palace. But what concerns me is if I'll get my peace." He said.

"Like seriously, is the kid a five-year-old?" I squealed and snapped my gaze to Sean walking in with a grin. He winked at us, "Congrats on the girls; I'm hoping they are cheerful and childish, unlike their big brother." He said, gazing down at Hades, who glared up at him.

"Sean, what are you doing here?" Nate asked, narrowing his gaze at him. I could tell he was trying not to growl at him for interrupting our dinner.

"Oh yes! Tomorrow morning, a meeting is being held. The elders called for it," Sean said, then rubbed Hades' hair, which Hades tried to shake off, but he stopped and bowed. "I'll take my leave. Again, congratulations and goodnight." He waved as he left the room.

Hades huffed, "He's weird." He said with a pout, then folded his arms across his tiny chest.

Nate laughed, "Indeed, he is weird."

I slapped Nate's arm, "Don't say that about your friend and Beta."

"What? It's true," he said, shrugging. Hades nodded, agreeing with his father.

Once we finished dinner, Nate and I took Hades to his room, changed him into his pyjamas, tucked him into bed, and headed to our room. "What do you think the meeting is going to be about?" I asked as we entered our room.

"It's clear it's going to be about our unwelcomed guest. Maybe more, you never know," Nate said. "Whatever it is must be important."

"Maybe..." I murmured, "Does this mean I can be in the meeting?" I asked excitedly, earning a shocked look from Nate. I giggled, "I'll take that as a yes." He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off, "Today was too much for me; I'm too tired to talk. Let's sleep," I said, walking past him and heading to bed.

I'll be at that meeting tomorrow morning, and Nate won't stop me.


The room was pitch black; there was little light inside or out, and Hades sat up from his bed. His greenish-grey eyes turned grey as he glanced around his dark room and slipped out of bed. He walked around his bed with no trouble in the dark until he stood at a balcony glass door; he placed his tiny hand on the cold glass and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, tiny lights surrounded him until a big flash of light engulfed him. Hades opened his eyes and stood at the edge of a lake in the middle of the night. Until there was a glowing light beside him; without looking, he spoke, "Hello, great-grandmother."

Luna flipped her long silver hair off her shoulder and smirked devilishly down at Hades, "You make it sound like I'm old." She said, then turned her gaze to the still lake.

"I've done no such thing; I only followed the rules of family relations and the correct titling of a member that shares a bloodline with myself," he said in a still tone, keeping his gaze out to the lake.

She huffed, "Well, I don't like it." She pouted, and he glanced up at his great-grandmother; she was indeed beautiful, like the actual goddess that she was. A moon goddess, she glowed like a full moon in the night with her long silver hair flowing like there was a gentile breeze, and her dress was as white as snow and looked like it was made of the finest silks.

"What happens to a soul when the body dies?" Hades asked, suddenly changing the topic.

Luna gasped quietly, and she stared down into his grey eyes, knowing he was using Lycan's ability to see in the dark. He was indeed an intelligent boy; there was no doubt about that, but it was questionable. "Why do you ask, boy?" Her tone shifted from cheerful to cold, as if she was talking to an adult and not a five-year-old.

"You are a goddess, ain't you not?" He shrugged, then sighed softly and turned his gaze back to the lake, "I found this interesting book called History of the Supernatural. Of course, I had not been given the chance to finish it, but what interested me was how the writer began his or her introduction as if... They were there..."

"And where is that?"

"In void..."

Luna stayed quiet and stared at her great-grandson; she was interested in him and how he thought. When she realized he was able to use his lycan abilities without waiting until he was old enough to understand himself or accidentally stumbling upon them. He accepted his abilities and would try to understand them when he could be alone, away from his eyes.

"Does your mother know your thoughts and interests in the supernatural?"

"No," he shook his head and narrowed his eyes like he was trying to see something. "She plays it off like it's just my childish curiosity, and I'm fine with that. I can read and learn more once my sisters are born." A smile appeared on his little lips, and he lifted his gaze to the goddess.

"You have a bright mind, child; sadly, I can't say much other than the author of the book you found still lives today but hasn't written a word in fear that creation may turn on its creator. So I wish you luck with your journey, and hopefully, by your eighteenth birthday, you will love the gift I had prepared for you."

"Great grandmother, it sounds like you are saying your farewell as though we'll never meet again."

Luna touched his head and smiled, "Indeed, this shall be the last time we meet. Maybe if destiny has it, we may meet, and when you have what you need, we'll have a good conversation. This is not a promise so that you know."

He nods, "Then farewell, great grandmother; it is a great honour to share a great bloodline with you." He bowed, then turned away and walked into the woods.

"Hades!" She called out to him, and he stopped, "Why not teleport back to your room?"

He glanced over his shoulder, "I want to have a night stroll in the woods without having people hovering around me." He said before continuing into the woods without looking back and without hesitation.

"I wonder whose soul you have, little prince?" Luna whispered to herself, staring at the still lake.

Meanwhile, Hades strolled in the dark woods like there was nothing to worry about, but he stopped, his brows furrowed in confusion, and he glanced around until he landed on a woman. She stared back at Hades with an evil grin, then took a step forward, "Are you the little lycan prince?" She asked, flashing her sharp, devilish fangs.

"And if I am, what is it that you want?" He asked boldly, lifting his head proudly and keeping an emotionless face.

She laughed, "You have a sharp tongue and are smart for a kid. And might I add, brave kid." She said.

Hades shrugged, "what if I am?"

Suddenly, she appeared before him, and her eyes turned blood red. She stared straight into his eyes. "But you are not that smart on keeping your guard up when it comes to vampires, little boy." She hissed, her eyes dilated as they stared into his, "Say no more and lift your right arm."

And he did as she told; Hades was confused about why he was listening to her orders. It was almost as though he was being complied with by this woman. She grabbed his lifted arm and lifted his sleeve to reveal his skin. "You know, you made my mission easy." She muttered as she pulled out an empty needled syringe, "You have the blood of a god running through your veins, and I want it."

From afar, Luna stood and watched; two of her spiritual wolves appeared beside her as she watched the vampire take her great-grandson's blood, "My lovelies, let's go home."

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