Selena (Part Two)

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"Are you a sea maiden?" He asked nervously. Selene was nervous as well, but that never stopped her.

She slowly swam towards his boat, "of some sort..." She said, her voice soft yet strict but still angelic in his ears. Neither of them said a word as she swam to the edge of his boat, and he sat close to the edge of his boat.

They stared into each other's eyes, "beautiful..." He blurted, which shocked Selene and him. "I mean... Let the moon, your hair is grey with silver matched like the moon, yours too, and your pale skin must be soft-- Ah, I must stop embarrassing myself." He rumbled on and looked away. His cheeks turned red and heated.

Her cheeks, too, turned a slight shade of pink, "please don't say that; you're not embarrassing yourself. I am charmed," she muttered as she lowered her gaze.

The young man glanced at her, then stretched out his hand for a handshake, "My name is Logan." He introduced himself.

Selene glanced at his hand, then at him, and she took his hand, "I'm Selene..." She smiled, matching his, and they shook hands.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Selene," he tilted his head, and his raven black hair fell to his face, curtaining one of his eyes. He brushed his hair back with his free hand and grinned, "Did you come out to watch the full moon, too?" He asked.

"No," she shook her hand and then glanced over her shoulder, staring at the full moon that shined over them. Then she glanced back at him. "I was wondering..." she murmured, lowering her gaze to their hands holding each other. Then she lifted her gaze, "Why do you return to this spot every night? You haven't caught any fish. There's no fish here."

Suddenly, he laughed, which was scaring her. She never heard laughter this close, and she wondered what was funny. Was it what she asked? She lets go of his hand, and he notices her discomfort, "oh, forgive me on my manners." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, then glanced over his shoulder and pointed at the cabin on the cliff that oversees the sea. "I live there, and you can see it is small, but it's a full house," he said.

She wasn't sure what to say, and he continued explaining himself, "There are twelve girls, mother and I living in that house. So imagine how nutty it is for me; I'm the only man there. There are my two overprotective elder sisters and five first and second cousins. There are my three adopted sisters and my young half-sister."

"Why are there many people living in such a small house?" Selene gasped.

Logan nervously laughed, "Well, Mother is kind-hearted, and she promised my aunts to take care of my cousins as my aunts looked for work. Then, my adopted sisters used to be slaves, and Mother hated how they were treated, so she took them in. Well, my half-sister, my father, returned with her and told my mother about his affairs in the city where he worked; her mother died from fever, and my father could never leave my half-sister there. Besides, she is the baby of the house."

"Your mother forgives your father for having an affair?"

He looked in the distance and nodded, "As I said, Mother is kind-hearted... She is very kind, and she forgives easily. Anyway, I have lots of sisters."

Selene furrowed her brows, "you haven't answered my question!? Why do you come here?"

He chuckled, "Oh yeah... I come here to get some fresh air, peace, and quiet from my sisters. I tell them I'm going fishing knowing I'd catch nothing, but I don't mind because I get to watch the moon." He said, staring at the moon. Selene also turned to look at the moon. "So, Miss Selene, how long have you been watching me?"

She gasped and snapped her gaze at him; he grinned widely and nervously rubbed the back of his neck, and then she looked away from him. She sighed, and a blush crept onto her cheek, "A month now..."

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