Dove Hideaway (Part One)

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The night was still, silent like the dead. The blanket of the night had no light from the moon except for the tiny lights coming from the tall building that settled in the middle of the woods, far from cities and eyes. It was an odd-looking building because it was in the woods, although it looked like it belonged to the city. However, its location was perfect for an attack.

Behind the building, a group quietly moved into the woods, heading straight for the building, but they stopped at the edge of the woods, hiding in the shadows. "It's strange how they ain't having security on high alert," Summer, one of the royal Crescent pack's best warriors, muttered, gazing at the building, making sure there was no one.

"Maybe they're confident that no one will attack, especially the supernatural, since they had a protection spell," Eleanor, a sea witch, answered quietly to Summer's question as she ran to the edge and kneeled, then raised her hands. As if a wall was before her, she placed her palms on it, closed her eyes, bowed her head, and began muttering quiet chants.

Suddenly, she slightly fell forward like the wall had been lifted. Then she glanced over to Summer, who hid behind a tree and was watching, and then she nodded, signalling the protection spell had been removed. Summer over her shoulder and waved her hand, signalling it was time to move in. As the team quietly moved in, two men from afar watched Summer's team heading towards the building, and then he pressed a button on his watch.

In front of the building, waiting in the shadows of the woods, was Sean's team; his watch beeped, and a green light shined. He glanced over his shoulder, lifted his hand, and waved to signal they should move forward. They quietly moved forward. Keeping his guard up as he gazed around, Sean and his team rushed to the front door. Then someone came before him, kneeled in front of the door, and placed something on where a key card and password were to be entered. The person set a timer and stepped aside.

Sean glanced over to Jay; they nodded to each other and lifted their guns. Then Sean looked at his watch, and an explosion echoed in the night from both sides of the building, front and back. Before the smoke could clear, Sean stormed in with his team following close behind. Even from the back, Summer stormed in with her team following close behind.

As the two teams moved into the building, those watching from afar pressed a button on their watches, sending the signal. Nate stared at his watch; once it turned green, he glanced at his team, "Move out!" He commanded with him, leading Max by his side; they moved in from the back, with Liz's team following closely behind them.

When the teams stormed in, chaos was met with gunshots, growling and hissing echoed at the ground level. Then, suddenly, lights turned red, and a warning siren cried throughout the building. During this chaos, Rebekah stood at the top floor and gazed out the window, "Ha, they have guts..." She muttered.

Behind her was a long table meant for meetings with people wearing white coats who were staring at her, "what should we do?" Mark asked.

Rebekah took a deep breath and turned to face her fellow people, who seemed somewhat calm about the situation, as if there was no attack below them. "We move to our escape plan, of course; you all hurry down to the second and third floor to collect our important documents and delete data about our research, then head to the emergency vehicles and run away." She said, smiling then looked at the people who stood by the wall like guards and wore black from head to toe and held their guns, "protect the scientist with your lives if we lose them then we've lost everything."

"It has been a pleasure, fellow doves," Rebekah said, bowing her head in respect, and the people, who wore white coats, stood and bowed their heads, then followed the guards out of the meeting room. But Mark and Coral remained. When the others all left, the two approached her.

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