Coming to Terms

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Laura's POV

Everything is dark like the night...

I don't know where I was, but from where I stood, I could tell that I was in a forest that was too quiet for a forest.

But my legs began to move in the forest; I felt compelled to go in that direction until I ended up out of the forest, and I was standing in front of what looked to be an old mansion that was beaten up by weather elements. I was about to enter the house but stopped when I realized the sun was rising and I wanted to watch it.

As the sun rose, I felt cold chills run down my spine as I saw the morning sun rising, and instead of seeing a mix of fiery red and orange, the sun was blood red, and as it rose higher and higher, there was no change. The sun was red as blood.

For some reason, I felt the need to run, and I did. I ran straight up to the house and banged the door open. When I stumbled into the bright white bird's flaw straight to me, I was about to close my eyes, but I realized there were white doves. However, there were spots of blood on their pure white feathers, but my attention was taken away from them when I heard sobbing echoing in the house.

"Hello?" My voice echoed in the dark house. There was nothing but silence. I strode, and the floor began to crack like ice on a lake. The crack began to spread, and the floor started to fall apart. I gasped in shock, turned my heels and ran into darkness.

Suddenly, I stumbled on my feet and tripped onto the floor. I glanced over my shoulder to see if the floor was still falling apart, but it was perfectly fine. Again, I heard it, the sobbing. I looked up, and my eyes met with blood-red eyes; red tears flowed down her small face. She looked up at me, and she hissed, flashing her fangs.


Before I could react, she slowly turned into ash. I placed my hand on her shoulder, but she screamed in pain. "Please! Please stop!" She cried suddenly. I felt my hand that was on her shoulder in pain. I glanced at it and noticed it was also turning into ash.

Stumbling back, I tried shaking off the ash, but the pain and ash spread. What was going on!?

Screaming myself awake, I pushed myself up and felt someone's arm wrap around me. I was still shocked, but this person's embrace was warm and comforting. I glanced around, realizing I was in the room I shared with my mate, Nate. I looked at the person beside me, seeing it was Nate. "Nate!" I sobbed, wrapping my arms around him, taking in his scent and warmth.

"It's okay, it's okay... I'm here, love, I'm here..." He whispered into my ear as I cried out my eyes, and flashes of the dream played in my head over and over again. "Don't worry, it's nothing but just a nightmare," I shook my head when he said that.

"It-its not!" I sobbed, tightening my embrace. "I-I think the vampires in hiding are in danger. We have to tell Maxim!"

Nate sighed softly and tightened his hold on me, "First, you need to calm down, then we'll talk to Maxim." He planted a kiss on top of my head.

I don't know how long we had been embracing and me crying like a baby; when I was finally done, Nate called Liam to get Maxim while I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. As I washed my face, my mind played the dream, or, should I say, vision. It had been five years since I received a vision; it may have been a long time, but I feel. No, I know that was a vision and without any help, I need to understand it.




"Love," I heard Nate's voice behind the door. "Maxim is here. You'll find us in the seating area." He said.

"Okay, just give me a minute," my voice cracked, luckily I was loud enough. After cooling myself, I left the bathroom and headed to the seating area, where I found Maxim staring out the window as Nate sat on the sofa, glaring at Maxim. I cleared my throat, gaining their attention, "Maxim... I had a vision and believe the hiding vampires are in danger." I said.

Maxim puffed, then glanced over to Nate, "What is the meaning of this?" He asked. I could hear anger laced in his tone. "Is this your way of getting a better hand on the vampires? Haven't you done enough damage!" As he said this, his voice lifted, and you could tell there was emotion. There was heart to what he had said. "All I asked was for your help finding King John, not you playing saviour! I should have known better than you to trust a dog!"

Nate slammed his fist on the arm of the sofa and jumped onto his feet, "You think I don't regret my decision!" He yelled, his forest green eyes turned grey in anger. "Yes, I did side with the witches, and every night when I go to sleep, I can't help but fear about my mate and child. Every night, I hate myself for turning my back on my friend! As much as you blame me, I, too, blame myself for everything that happened to John. But don't misjudge my mate. She has done nothing wrong than try to help!"

I was not surprised about Nate's outburst, but I was shocked at how he told Maxim, a cold-hearted vampire, his honest feelings. The two narrowed their gaze on each other with an apparent power struggle between them, and I knew the only way to help was for them to put the past to the past. Dwelling in the past can never get us to the future and save John.

"I was alone in a dark forest, walking towards an old mansion, then the sun rose, but instead of the usual sunrise colour of red and orange, it was blood red," I spoke, looking out the window, ignoring their turned gaze. "For some reason, I knew I had to run inside before the sun's rays touched, but when I got inside, white doves with spots of blood flew past me, and I heard sobs in the dark house. When I took a step forward, the floor began to crack, and I knew I had to get out before it was too late. Then that's when I stumbled upon this little girl."

As I recalled my vision, I couldn't help but wonder why I was getting these visions. Then I looked down at the carpet floor. "That girl looked so familiar, but I've never met her. She had raven black hair and blood red eyes." I sighed and glanced at Maxim, who looked like he knew this girl. "She looked like she was at the same age as Hades, five years old. I don't know... But she suddenly turned into ash, and it was painful." I clenched my hand into a fist, remembering how real the pain felt.

There was silence in the room, "then what do you think your vision means? Why did you see Lord Viktor and Lady Naomi's daughter?" Maxim asked.

I didn't know what to say; I was still new to interpreting visions, "from what I can tell, it seems vampires are in danger; I think it is those vampires in hiding." That may explain the old mansion being isolated in a forest, then a blood sun I was trying to run away from, but- "I'm not sure about the doves, but they were in the house, and they had blood on them..."

"Could be representing the loss of purity?" Nate questioned.

I shrugged, "I don't know, but whatever it is, I just know that the remaining vampires will be having a painful death. So, Maxim, you need our help because whoever has taken the vampires might also be after the remaining hiding vampires. As Luna Queen, I am offering my help and home to house the last remaining vampires." He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped, "Maxim, I don't think we have time to argue. You need to make your decision at this moment, at the latest morning. Remember, lives are in danger."

Nate looked surprised but grinned proudly for me. Maxim hissed and snapped his gaze out the window. "Little princess, you don't understand my situation to make me suddenly decide within a few hours... Once, there were a hundred vampire covens. Within a night, it became eighty covens. Then the betrayal happened, leaving fifty covens all weak and frightened. Then, suddenly, all our leaders went missing, and no one knew what to do. They all turned their eyes to one being, and that is me...They trust their lives with me, and I must protect them by any means..."

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