Chapter 4

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"This is your doing, right?"

Dhriti smiled but didn't turn back. She stood staring at the car leaving the gates.

Niranjan wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"We need to do something,  Ranjan. This can't go forever" Dhriti expressed her concern.

Niranjan understood what his wife was getting at but was unclear on where to start.

With a deep sigh, he moved towards the balcony railings.

The view was magnificent but his eyes were not seeing them instead it was the dreadful memories that was rolling in front of him.

"I understand your dilemma, Ranjan....but remember, when committed once, it is a mistake but twice it turns a sin. In the past, you were not able to protect your sister but destiny is again giving you a chance to atone for it."

" Nothing can redeem me from my sin, Dhriti" he said disheartened

Dhriti has always been sympathetic and understanding towards her husband's predicament but today his deterrent attitude increased her anger.

Drowning in self pity, when will these two moronic brothers realise they are only destroying lives, she thought dissappointed . So in fury she spat out,

"So you will continue to be a spectatator to the crime. For Heaven's sake ,Ranjan you are going to be the King. Is this how you are planning to lead? What happened 5 years ago was not in our hands...."

" But I could have stopped it" Niranjan interrupted fiercely

"Could you?" She questioned back in equal vehemence that startled Niranjan into silence.

"Ranjan, Except for HIM no one could have stopped what happened. In pride and ego, love and trust took backseat that day.....Your loyalty and devotion would not have allowed you to go against your father and his word is the law, right? "

He recognised the truth in what she was saying but knowing it and accepting it is altogether a different matter.

Dhriti was able to understand the emotional upheaval going on in his heart right now but as a wife, she  couldnt let him travel along the wrong path. This has gone on for far too long.

"HE love her too. Do you think he will forgive you for letting her ALSO get hurt?"

Hurt flashed across his face at her words and in turn hurt her too but she didn't have any choice. She was now not beneath using emotional blackmail to get the ball rolling.

"Ranjan, I know it hurts but you have to face the reality. Your silence is causing deeper damage than you can ever imagine. Dhru is drowning in guilt and in the process is hurting Sadhavi to the core. Earlier, I could understand you were also not in a mindset to tackle the situation but now.......Please gather yourself before it is too late....." she trailed off

Having said what need to be said and more, she left him to his thoughts.

Now it is upto Niranjan to take the right decision.

Niranjan stood there having a battle between heart and mind. He did agree,  with what happened , his confidence had taken a severe beating.

Unknowingly he created a wall around him but now he regretted stepping back from his brothers when they needed him the most.

Yes, Dhriti  was right. If he has to lead the people then he will have to lead by example and it should start from home...


"Bhaiya, you called me?"

"Take a seat, Dhru "

The forbidding in his Bhaiya's tone was not lost to him.

From the time of his exchange with his Bhabhi, he was expecting this meeting. He was only surprised that it took his bhaiya 3 days to call him.

What his Bhabhi told was like an eyeopener for him. In his guilt and pain , he didn't see how his actions could be construed.  That is why he sent Tara home the next day itself.

" I see you sent Tara back "

Dhru flinched at Niranjan's words.  The sarcasm hitting him right on the spot.

" Her parents were back from the trip so..." he trailed off .

Dhru could feel Niranjan's eyes boring onto him but his gaze was down, not able to withstand the disappointment in his Bhaiya's eyes.

"They have been back for 2 days , so why now?"

"There were some work related issues earlier that needed her presence...."

"How long are we going to keep up this pretense, Dhru?" Niranjan asked angrily breaking Dhru's pathetic excuse.

"Bhaiya....I....." his voice closed up.  He knew no excuses and justification will cut with his Bhaiya.

Seeing Dhru with downcast eyes, Niranjan was reminded of a little Dhru who stood before him to be reprimanded for his mistakes. He looked so lost that Niranjan's eyes brimmed up.

Niranjan went up to him and lovingly caressed his head.

Dhru glanced up with glassy eyes full of longing.


That was his downfall, Dhru wrapped his arms around his Bhaiya's midriff and broke down.


Niranjan tried to comfort him but to vain. It was five years of pain and guilt ,not something to easily let go.

Understanding that Dhru just needed his presence, he let him have all the comfort while holding him close.

It has been a while since Dhru was in his Bhaiya's arms. He himself have not allowed him the solace deeming him undeserving. But today that single loving call of his bhaiya brought down all his walls.

" I am sorry, bhaiya. I know my mistakes are unforgivable...and....I am a big dissappointment to you....."

Before he could complete, Dhru was whacked hard.

He looked up to see his bhaiya glaring at him with eyes that screamed murder.

Niranjan saw red the moment Dhru mentioned words like unforgivable and disappointment.

He now understood what Dhriti meant. By taking a step back, he refused to see what his family was going through. For the mistakes of elders, he was unknowingly punishing his brothers.

If he has to make Dhru understand then he must be ready to forgive himself. Guilt is inevitable but at one point or another, we need to move past it. Redemption is the key.

"None of my brothers ever will be a disappointment to me......" Niranjan explained while caressing his brother lovingly

"I agree, mistakes happened and we cannot just wash it away by just regrets and remorse,we need to earn our forgiveness, Dhru . Our Chotu deserves it."

Hearing the name after half a decade brought fresh set of tears to Dhruv's eyes.

The brothers held onto each other sharing their guilt , pain and regrets.

Unknown to them , a pair of eyes watched them with tears in them but heart brimming with joy.

Finally, everything was falling in place.

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