Chapter 31

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Without a single star, the night sky was like a dark black blanket spreading melancholy all around. For Dhru, it was depicting exactly his state of mind.

It has been a couple of days that his truth has been revealed to the family and except for his sister in laws and Omkar both his brothers and wife had given him a wide berth.

Somehow the knowledge that they are keeping him at a distance is not sitting well with him.

There have been multiple instances in the past days that he found himself in front of his Bhaiya's study but couldn't gather the courage to cross the threshold.

He was not scared of Niranjan's anger but from his dissappointment and he knew without an ounce of doubt that he had dissappointed his Bhaiya terribly. That is the one and only reason his Bhaiya is drawing out the ultimate weapon, his golden silence.

Dhru let out a resigned sign as realization struck him that his Chotu was also following their Bhaiya to the T and can be said to have even gone a step further.

Ansh had taken Gauravi along with Sadhavi and Omkar and had gone on an impulsive trip to their farmhouse.


Gauravi needed an outing.... but Dhru could see through it to the truth. They are not avoiding him more precisely, ignoring him.

"Not liking the shoe on the other foot"

Dhru turned to the smirking face of Nandhini.

Not giving him a chance to speak, she came to stand beside him and asked again

"But this is what you wanted, right Bhaiyu?....They giving you space.."

" Nandhini.....I am not getting what you are..." Dhru trailed off when he saw her raised eyebrows.

He suddenly looked away under her piercing stare. Dhru couldn't bring himself to lie or pretend gazing into her eyes.

" You aleays cannot run one point or so , you will have to stop"

The leg which he put forward to walk away stopped on hearing these words from Nandhini but still he couldnt bring himself to turn back.

Even when Nandhini came to stand before him, he couldn't meet her eyes.

" If you are stealing away your glances because of your disease or for hiding it away, then don't,  at least not from me.... I understand you , Bhaiyu....maybe more than anyone else could"

Not expecting such an unwavering support and that too from an unexpected source, Dhru jerked his face up to look at her for any trace of pity or sympathy but her face was only giving testimony to her spoken words.

With an understanding smile, Nandhini guided Dhru to the nearby porch swing.

Once they made themselves comfortable, she began a tale which deeply resonated in her soul.

"Once upon a time there lived a princess and a prince...." Nandhini started as Dhru stared at her with confusion etched on his face.

But ignoring the same, she continued

" They both loved each other so madly  that in their naivety they believed nothing could ever separate them.....But alas! a day came when the princess lost her prince. She got scared but still believed her prince one day would come riding to her.... Days went by....months went by...slowly by slowly the Princess was losing her hope   unknown to the fact that her prince was still holding onto the very rope of hope..... Destiny sure tested them severely in those months but finally taking pity, united them forever.... At last their misery ended, so they thought but it was only the trailer to the actual movie..." Nandhini trailed off as tears one by one made their way down her cheeks.

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