Chapter 17

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"Are you sure, Rishabh "

" 100%"

The masked enemy is still lurking around and the information is not putting Niranjan's mind at ease.

Who is he/she?
Who is the target?
What is the purpose?

He is going crazy over these questions but one thing is certain.

His family is not safe.....

He was lost to these thoughts when the sound of a horn brought him out of his reverie.

Ansh and Sadhavi exited from the car along with an overexcited Prince.

Even from far, Niranjan  could see the  spark on her face.

That will be another regret he will be taking to his grave.

He felt grateful to Ansh for trying to bring their old Sadhavi back but at the same time dissappointed at himself for failing yet another sister.

" What is all this, Dhru?"

Niranjan's cold voice echoed in the room as he threw the paper at Dhru.

Dhru was aware of the news but least bothered. After all , media has always sensitized whatever they have done.

" Bhaiya, you know how media..."

" I don't care about media but the girl in our home.... you remember her,right...your wife" Niranjan  asked sarcastically

Dhru immediately stiffened at her mention.

"In normal circumstances,  I would not have spared this a glance but it isn't normal,  is it?" Niranjan  further questioned

" I don't know what you are talking about, Bhaiya" Dhru acted innocent even while averting his eyes.

" Don't take me for a fool , Dhru... For the past year, I may not have been on top of things but it does not mean I am unaware. Everything stops it....right now" Niranjan bellowed, dismayed at his brother's actions.

Dhru himself felt miserable seeing the dissappointment in his brother's eyes but instead of understanding the cause, it only acted as a fan to his flames of anger.

Earlier, he had seen the hurt in Sadhavi's eyes , over the news and now Niranjan's words were just cherry on top.

It is true that nothing good comes out of bottled emotions, it will make itself known one day in the most destructive way possible and that is what happened with Dhru.

He didn't know at that time but the next moment was going to be added to his long list of regrets.

" You have no idea what I am going through. It is not your wife that is responsible for this broken family. Jispe ghuzarthe hain, wohi samjh sakthe hain...aap nahi...aap tho bilkul nahi..."he yelled out in agitation

Niranjan was shocked would be an understatement.

" Then why did you even marry her?" he questioned Dhru bitterly

The silence was daunting but he still waited for the anwer.... he needed the answer from him....

But as the silence dragged on, Niranjan walked up to him.

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