Chapter 30

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The harsh wind was nothing compared to the storm lashing within him.

"Dhru is running away from the reality. Until and unless, he breaks through those illusions, he can never be cured....."

" I know as a doctor, I should have informed you but my loyalty first lies with the patient. When the safety of my patient is in jeopardy, then I am forced to make decisions which sometimes may not be right...."

" In these hypomaniac episodes, he looses control over himself....he tends to hurt others....even physically.... and this strikes back....harming himself....."

He closed his eyes to the bitter truth in front.

He failed....he failed his brother.

" You did not fail, Ranjan"

Niranjan turned to Dhriti with welled up eyes. Not able to control himself, he hugged her tightly and broke down into tears.

As sobs wrecked his body, Dhriti tried to calm him through her soothing touch.

" I know truth is scary but we cannot run away from the picture of reality.... We cannot compound on the mistakes Dhru did "

" Why..Dhriti? Why didn't he tell us? Don't we matter? "

Niranjan voiced out his anguish as he pulled away from her.

Though the sobs have subsided, tears were still carving a path down his cheeks.

" This is a question better answered by Dhru"

" But..."

" I know you have lot of doubts so do we.... Talk to Dr. Akash....He will be able to guide us better..."Dhriti interrupted

Niranjan scoffed at the irony

" He has brought me to a situation where now an outsider will teach me how to handle my brother"

" It is not about how much you know your brother, Ranjan. This is not a competition. If it is then the prize for the biggest idiot goes to Dhru followed closely by you"

The perplexed look on Niranjan's face forced Dhriti to calmly explain.

"Ranjan, he did not do right but it may be his warped sense of love that he choose to keep us away from this cruel reality . Similarly, don't let the hurt keep you away from doing what needed to be done. We have to be there for him but at the same time he also has to realise he cannot get away from hiding such an important matter.....and coming to Dr. Akash, he can never take your or Ansh's place in Dhru's life. But now we need him to sync in the Dhru we know to the one he is...."

Her words were like the needed slap Niranjan needed to come out of his emotional hue.

He realized that his brother now needs the firm hand of the practical Niranjan Suryavanshi to bring him on track.

With a determination, he vowed to be what his Dhru needs not wants.


Blood was dripping out from his hand as he held the edge of the broken table. The visuals of his Bhaiyu's rage, at this very place, lashing through his mind.

"A happy environment is conducive for a happy mind for any individual but more for a person suffering from a disorder like this which unfortunately Dhru has been devoid off for the past half a decade...."

" Dhru is riddled with guilt and regrets....Not able to protect his family and moreover for not being able to be there for his brothers has become the roadblock to his recovery...."

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