Chapter 22

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Dhru stood paralyzed to the spot witnessing the picture in front.

Sadhavi was laughing with Ansh. The sparkle in her eyes and the glow on her face telling a story in itself.

Until today, he never realized how much he had missed this melody but alas....he has no one else to blame other than himself.

A hand on his shoulder suddenly brought him out of his indulgence.

His eyes clashed with that of Tara's. There were a whirlpool of apprehensions swirling in them. Not yet ready to face them , he averted his gaze.

As he turned, he found himself staring at Sadhavi. She was also looking back at him,blankly but beside her, he felt the glare of Ansh.

Realizing the reason, he removed Tara's hand from his shoulder and moved towards  them.

As he took his place in front of Sadhavi on the dining table, he couldn't help notice the subtle changes in her.

The curve on her lips....the shine in her eyes... the confident tilt of her head...

On one side, he couldn't be happier seeing the return of his old Sadhavi  but on the other was dejected knowing his brother was the reason.

It was a bitter pill to swallow knowing that he was behind the destruction of his love....

" Good morning, everyone "

An unknown voice brought everyone's eyes towards the newcomer.

" Karthik..."

Ansh's eyes lit up as he got up to welcome his friend.

Then turning to his family , he introduced him.

" Bhabh Ma, this is best friend and confidante for the past years.... He had helped me in more occasions than I can count..."

A smalll smile played on his lips as Ansh recalled their past.

" Come on Rudy, you are calling me friend and then being so formal....not done"

Karthik retorted acting miffed.

His down to earth and friendly nature immediately made all comfortable and at ease with him.

" Karthi Uncle...."

Gauravi's scream echoed around the room as she rushed towards Karthik.

Before she could hurl herself on him, Karthik hoisted her up.

" Hi... Princess.... how are you?"

" I am too good.... How are you?... Where were you till now?...Have you met MY family?...Aren't they beautiful?"

Gauravi's tirade of questions were not new to them but her emphasis on MY was not lost to any body. While some got overwhelmed, others felt proud.

" Yes, Rajadhani Express... I met them and they indeed are beautiful after all it is our Princess's family" Karthik said with a smile earning a jovial giggle from her.

" Hi Karthik....Good to see you"

Nandhini greeted as she joined them

"Good to see you too ,Nandhini"  Karthik replied then turning to Ansh he continued,

"I think I came at the wrong time. You have your breakfast , we will have our chat later"

Before Ansh could disagree, Niranjan  interferred.

"You are Ansh's friend and that makes you family. Please join us for breakfast"

The easy acceptance overwhelmed Karthik. Though he was happy for Ansh, somewhere he was insecure over losing his only family but Niranjan's words went a long way in calming down those unwanted thoughts.

Remorse and RegretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin