Chapter 25

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Ansh was getting restless at Niranjan's silence.

Not able to take it anymore, he flung himself into his Bhaiya's embrace.

"Bhaiya....please.... I am sorry....I know this hurts you...."

But before he could continue, Niranjan put his finger on Ansh's lips, effectively stopping him.

"You trust me" he asked

"More than myself" Ansh replied without missing a beat.

"Then tell me what exactly happened and I promise you Chotu, I will stand by you even against my own father"

Ansh gazed at Niranjan overwhelmed. Looking into those eyes neither he could lie then nor he could hide anything now.

Take a deep breathe, he started talking.

"That day, after what happened Nandhu was resting in the room. She was distraught but holding on because of your promise when a doctor came to her in the name of check up... As the doctor got up to leave, she got a call. Nandhu could sense the sudden anxiety that gripped the doctor's face and moreover, whether fortunate or not, Nandhu noticed the call was from one of our palace landlines.... She was intrigued......."

" What you are saying is wrong, I will loose my license over it"

Nandhini heard the doctor say in a whispered tone. Though she couldn't hear what the other person was saying, the doctor's words were not giving her a good feeling.

"Fine... I will do it. But after this I should never be dragged into anymore of this.... This is the last time.....Knowing what I am about to do is the biggest sin of all, I am agreeing because of the debt I owe you.... Let lord forgive me for killing an innocent soul....."

Kill an innocent soul? Nandhini was perplexed

" I will give Mrs. Suryavanshi an injection which will seem like she had naturally miscarried..."

Shocked would be an understatement for what Nandhini was feeling.

She staggered and cluntched onto her belly with shivering hands.

The sudden movement may have alerted the doctor and she turned to look at a horrified Nandhini

" Nurse, grab hold of her"

The doctor ordered realising that they have been exposed.

Nandhini was left feeling helpless at this sudden attack.

" Please leave me.....Bhaiya.... Bhaiyu...Dont hurt me..." she screamed out loudly

" Try to hold her still...We have to get this injection in her"

The doctor continued commanding her subordinate ignoring Nandhini's plea.

"Why are you doing this? My baby is innocent....please....I beg you....please....dont hurt my baby....."

Though her strength was leaving her, the mother in her refused to give up.

The doctor herself was feeling sorry for her.

Her pleading eyes, tear stained face was striking a chord in her heart but she could not affort to fall weak.

" I am really sorry but I too am helpless"

Ignoring her loud screams, they started injecting the medicine into Nandhini.

" BHAIYA.....BHAIYU....."

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