Preference: TARGET!!

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-Darry lectures y'all to not be lunatics

-"guys just because you were lunatics in the movie theater does not mean you can be lunatics here.. I honestly don't even know why I brought yall here."

-*everyone rolls their eyes

-"Darry we ain't that bad..."


-once the car parks yall get out and run to the store.

-"WHAT THE FUCK??!! YOU LIARS!!!" Darry yells across the parking lot

-you guys keep running but laugh

-You and Two automatically run and go to the toy and candy section



-Two-bit literally swipes a mickey mouse plushie

-you and him start laughing like crazy

-"you guys knock it off!" A target employee yells at you guys

-"Sorry man!" Dally says for you guys

-"That's your last warning!"

-"alright alright"

-"then Two-bit drags you and Dally to the Mikey mouse playhouse section.

-"For fucks sake" Dally whines

-Then you guys run into Johnny and Ponyboy at the book section.

-"hey guys! Where's Darry?!"

-"uhm... probably somewhere that has to do with being a mom or his fitness. Why?

-"Ok thanks! We want to harass him!"

-"Good luck with that"

- You, Dally, and Two-bit run throughout the store looking for Darry.

-Then you found him.

-he had a shopping cart with fruits and groceries in it.

-"hi Darry" you said devilishly


-"do you even know what I was gonna say?"

-"Nope but I don't wanna hear it."

-"Good answer! Bye!"

-"Dear lord"

-you guys find Steve and Soda

-They are looking at car oil and car stuff.

-"BOO!" Two-bit cries

-"EEECK" Soda literally squeals throughout the store. Mind you, he sounded like a five year old little girl.

-you guys start dying of laughter

-you guys grab random stuff and go to the checkout line.

-but you guys cut the whole fricken line.

-"The line starts back there"

-you try to pretend to speak Spanish

-"No habló Inglés" *American Accent*

- Then Two-bit tries to help

-"Ya... what she said. We don't speak English."

-The guy turns around while staring at you


-an employee yells at you again




-"damn okay!"

-you guys run out to Darry's truck.

-Darry finishes shopping and takes his sweet time.

-When he gets out to the truck, he lectures you guys again.

-"You little liars! You're lucky they didn't ban me to!"

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