Chapter Three Part 1

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Alpha's Mate

Book One of the Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series

Caryn Moya Block

Chapter Three - Part One

Violet watched carefully as her equipment was loaded into the cargo hold of the prop plane. Camera bag in hand, she climbed into the plane's second seat and buckled in. The small single-engine Cessna would take her to Siberia. The pilot was a young man who spoke very little English. His friendly blue eyes twinkled and he smiled a lot when she tried to talk to him. She always felt nervous when she couldn't communicate clearly. Violet spoke very little Russian. She knew only a few phrases she'd learned from a travel book. To reassure herself, she touched his mind gently. He seemed a conscientious pilot who tried to do a good job.

Before she learned anything else in his mind, she quickly pulled out. She didn't like listening to other people's thoughts. It seemed like such an invasion of privacy. But she felt better knowing everything was okay with him. Settling back, she hoped to enjoy the trip. The weather was sunny and mild. The views from above would be beautiful. She'd try to take a few pictures.

Maggie and Ellen's flight had taken off on time. They'd be home in Virginia tonight. Violet missed them already. They were the only people who knew about her gift of telepathy, the only people who really understood her. Before they left, she gave them the phone number of the ranger's station at Stolby in case of an emergency. Her cell phone wouldn't work outside Moscow. Maggie and Ellen were used to Violet dropping off the radar for long periods while she was on assignment. They'd catch up with each other when she was finished.

The pilot turned on the engine and with ease of experience, had them in the air quickly and efficiently. Violet watched as Moscow was left behind them. She could see the Kremlin and the river as they turned toward the east. Her thoughts circled around to Dmitry. She missed him. How could she miss him when she didn't know him? She kept picturing his blue eyes and aristocratic features. She ached to feel his arms around her again. He hadn't told her his last name. She had no way to find him. Her heart yearned for him. But what was the point?

Violet watched as they flew toward the forests of Siberia. The trees were lush and close together. She snapped a few pictures, but after a while everything looked green. Soon, she found herself nodding off. It was always hard to keep her mind shielded in a big city like Moscow. That was one of the reasons she enjoyed her work so much, being alone let her relax. She leaned over so she could lay her head against the side of the plane and let herself doze. Soon she dreamt of being safe in Dmitry's arms.


Dmitry woke with a start, knowing something was wrong. The sun shone brightly in the window. What time was it? What woke him? Then he felt Violet getting farther and farther away as the fragile thread of the mating bond stretched. Was she hurt? Did she leave him?

He jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes from last night. Throwing them on, he rushed out the door. The metro that would take him to the Hotel National was a block away. He ran down the street, zigzagging around people and honking cars. He ran down the Metro stairs and through the gates.

The subway cars were already crowded with workers coming into Moscow. But Dmitry pushed his way in the door. He wanted to howl in frustration. He could feel hair prickling his skin as the crowds pushed against him. A child wailed as his mother tried to quiet him. Dmitry could hear each murmur and whisper.

The smell of so many people assaulted his senses. Gagging, he wiped his mouth, and then held his hand over his nose. He closed his eyes and forced his wolf into submission. He needed to remain calm.

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