Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The next morning, Violet was too concerned about getting to the ranger station to ask questions about the actions of Dmitry's seconds. He didn't know whether to feel relieved or guilty. He didn't want to lie to his mate. He knew she must have questions. But it was not the time to explain things.

While Violet hurried around the room, gathering her belongings, Dmitry calmly watched her pack. She checked and rechecked her camera equipment. She owned three cameras, one film and one digital, and an instant camera, as well as several lenses and tripods. She seemed to have tons of film and memory cards. She went through everything while quietly talking to herself. She surprised him when she looked up and snapped his picture. Then she winked and went back to her muttering. Finally, she was ready. Thank goodness the rest of her equipment was still in the SUV, or Dmitry feared they might never get out of here. He followed her down the stairs to the lobby.

Anton paced, waiting for him. Dmitry caught the scent of fear and looked around for a threat. But nothing appeared wrong in the hotel lobby. He reached for his brother's mind and found a haze of rage and fear.

"What's the matter?" Dmitry demanded as Violet went to pay her bill.

"We received a call from the pack. Fyodor, Lenka, and Igorek tried to take Alena from our parent's home. Sergei was wounded, as well as our father, but they killed Fyodor. Lenka and Igorek are saying Fyodor was murdered. Alena is frightened, but she's helping our mother nurse the wounded. Kolya is on the phone now with an official at the airport. He's arranging for a pilot to fly us home."

Dmitry looked over at his mate. Everything was so new between them. He didn't know what she'd do if he left her. He wasn't sure he could leave her, but he also wasn't prepared to have her walk into a mess at home.

"Give me a few minutes to talk with Violet. Are you and Kolya ready to go?"

"Yes, we checked out a few minutes ago."

"Find Kolya and wait for me outside," Dmitry ordered, raking his hand through his hair.

He felt torn. He needed to go home and comfort his family. But, he also needed to be with Violet. As he walked toward her, he didn't know what he'd say.


Violet finished paying her bill and turned to see Anton rushing away. She could tell from Dmitry's face something had happened. She joined her mind with his, and gasped when she felt the turmoil within him. Running to him, she put her arms around his waist. She'd do anything to stop his pain.

"My little sister was almost abducted," he sighed. "My father and one of my friends were injured trying to protect her. I've got to go home. Please come with me, Violet."

Violet felt his resolve to go to his family and lead his people through this crisis, even if it ruined his own happiness. Could she really blame him for needing to go? Could she walk away from him when he seemed to need her so much?

"I know I'm asking you to put your work on hold. But I promise you, I'll help you get your pictures after this crisis is over."

"Of course, I'll go with you, Dmitry. Your family needs you," she said softly, looking into his troubled gaze.

She could feel the mating bond flood with his relief from her answer. He pulled her closer into his arms, and kissed her soundly.

"Thank you, lyubov moya. I appreciate your sacrifice."

Kolya walked up to them. "The plane will be ready when we arrive at the airport."

"Take Violet's vehicle," Dmitry directed. "Make sure her gear is loaded into the cargo hold. We will follow you as soon as Violet calls the rangers at Stolby."

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