Chapter twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Violet's eyes opened. The sun shone brightly in the window. Birds in the trees were singing a loud cheery tune. Awaking to such a beautiful day should have made her happy. But, the bed was empty beside her. Dmitry hunted for Lenka and Igorek. She could feel him through the mating bond. He concentrated on the trail and she felt his single-minded determination and focus. No thoughts of her crossed his mind.

Violet lay on the bed, fingering the woven bedcover. But its bright oranges and reds couldn't change her feelings of being cold and lonely. Being alone before had never bothered her. Why was it so hard now? Why did she miss seeing Dmitry so much? How did her happiness get wrapped up in his smile?For the first time she wondered if she could be a good Alpha's mate. Could she share his time with the pack? Would he grow bored with her?

Her stomach gave a loud grumble, Violet remembered she'd missed dinner last evening. No wonder she was hungry. Deciding to stop feeling sorry for herself, she got out of bed and dressed. Leftover milk millet kasha would taste good. With a little brown sugar it wasn't much different from hot cereal back home.

Violet found Yelena and Alena in the kitchen as she helped herself to the leftover kasha.

"Violet, daughter, you must be hungry. Both you and Dmitry are exhausting yourselves. Neither of you ate dinner. Dimka left the tray I sent up last night on the sink untouched."

"I'm sorry, Yelena. I slept the whole night through. Dmitry never woke me to eat."

"Of course not. When your mate sleeps so soundly, it's good to let her rest."

"Mama, can we go over to Kolya's today, and see about redecorating the cottage?" Alena asked.

"Well, if Violet feels well enough to go, then yes."

Violet looked at Alena's eager face and couldn't say no. She knew it meant another long day of work, but she'd help her new family.

"Do you think you feel well enough, Violet? We'll take Anton with us to move the really heavy furniture."

"I'd love to help you, Alena," Violet assured her.

It took very little time to gather cleaning supplies and a tape measure. Violet followed along obediently behind Yelena, carrying a broom and a mop, while Alena and Anton followed the group with the rest of the supplies. Kolya's house was near the river, but not as far as Sonya's parent's house. It lay nestled in a little dell away from the trail. The cottage was much larger than the other houses near it, and the carvings around the eaves made it look quaint. Along the side there appeared to be a good sized garden in need of repair. Something else Violet would have to ask about. What food did they grow in their gardens?

"Isn't it a nice house, Violet?" Alena asked. "Kolya's family was once very large. They have always been close to the Alpha's family, serving as their seconds. The cottage has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. I hope we have a child for every room."

"What? Only one for every room?" Anton teased his sister. "You know twins run in our family. Maybe you'll have two for every room, or I could come and live with you until I find a mate of my own."

"Anton, your sister will need privacy with her new mate," Yelena said. "The last thing she needs is her twin in the house."

Violet smiled, watching her new family. The love they shared was easy to see. She felt lucky to be a part of it. Now, if only Dmitry were here to share in it. Yelena unlocked the door, and they all trooped inside. They looked around in despair. The house was in terrible shape. The floors were so dusty they could see footprints where they had walked in. Violet grimaced and wondered what else they'd find. Hopefully, there weren't any critters living here. She hated dealing with mice jumping out at her. The drapes were worn and moth-eaten and covered the windows, making the rooms dark and depressing. The place felt old and tired. The few pieces of furniture didn't look any better.

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