Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The next morning, leaning over the bed, Dmitry gave Violet a kiss goodbye. Then, moving quickly, he was out the door on his way to help look for Lenka and Igorek.

Violet reached over the warm covers and wished Dmitry wasn't gone. She was alone again. After a shower, she went down to the kitchen. She heard Matfei at the back door,assuring Alena he'd be back at noon to see Sonya on his lunch break. The poor guy looked tired and ragged.

"How is he?" Violet asked.

"Exhausted and worried sick over Sonya," Alena answered.

"How much older is he?"

"He's twenty-one, five years older than Sonya. Once she reaches eighteen those five years will seem like nothing, but now all he sees is how young she is."

"How did he know he was her mate?" Violet asked. "Because anyone seeing them together knew there was a bond between them?"

"It happens sometimes. At sixteen, a girl is becoming a woman. The man notices her, and then he knows. The mating bond is starting to show if you look hard. There are signs for the male. They suffer signs of the mating heat. When the girl is still so young, the older male will approach her father and ask for a hand-fasting. Sometimes, he tries to stay away from her until she's of age and he can approach her," Alena explained.

"I see." Violet wondered again how the mating bond worked. Were they really destined to be together? Soulmates?

Alena returned to eating her breakfast. Violet fixed herself a cup of tea and a bread roll. She'd just finished eating when Yelena came in carrying a tray. She must have taken breakfast up to Sonya. For a moment, Violet felt guilty. She should've stopped to check on the girl. She knew what it was like to lose both parents at once.

"I'm glad you girls are up. We need to make and deliver food baskets to the elders who have no family," Yelena said. "No one is hunting because everyone is out looking for Lenka and Igorek. Those who must rely on the kindness of others will be getting low on supplies."

Alena groaned and started pulling out pots.

"Does this fall under the duties of the Alpha female?" Violet asked.

Alena nodded and continued with her task. Violet turned to Yelena, hoping for more information.

"Violet, look in the larder and see what fruit we have. Alena, start the beans soaking and pull out the flour for bread. We have a whole day of cooking before us," Yelena said. Violet dutifully went to the pantry to look for the fruit. She didn't cook much. Hopefully whatever Yelena wanted her to do would be easy.

By the end of the afternoon, the women made borsch, pirozhki, milk millet kasha, blini stuffed with pork and apples, and leavened cabbage. Each dish was put into the proper container, then placed in a basket for distribution. Violet had stopped only once to deliver food to Sonya. She immediately returned to the kitchen to follow whatever directions Yelena gave her, the work making her tired. Yet, Violet felt a sense of satisfaction, of belonging.

When the baskets were ready to go, Yelena sent the women upstairs to change their clothes. Then they came back downstairs to help carry the baskets to the different cottages. Vikenti showed up to escort the women on their chore. Violet had noticed one of the men hung around the lodge all day, keeping watch. Dmitry continued to be absent. She'd reach for him with her mind, but except for a flush of warmth, he didn'tacknowledge her touch. Vikenti saw how Violet stumbled under the load of four baskets.

"Mother forgets you're human. Let me help you." Smiling he took two off her hands.

Violet accepted his help gratefully. The baskets were heavy. She followed Yelena down the path to each of the six cottages, belonging to elders.

These seniors needed someone to hunt for them and make sure wood was chopped for winter. Another duty of the Alpha pair was to see to their welfare. Violet would have to research how best to care for elderly pack members.

Each couple invited them into their home. Vikenti would wait on the front step, while the women were offered tea and a kind of treat. Yelena would refuse them gently and hand over the basket. Then the women were on their way with a nod and a smile and proceeded to the next house. Violet was making a positive impression as the new Alpha female with more than one woman looking at her with approval. Thank goodness, Yelena was there to guide her.

When they finally headed toward home, Violet dragged. The beauty of the evening breeze through the trees couldn't revive her. She wasn't used to standing in a hot kitchen for hours, or walking a three-mile circuit, with heavy baskets on her arms. When they finally reached the lodge, she went straight upto her room and collapsed on the bed. Yelena followed her into the bedroom, and fussed over her, helping her get her shoes off and tucking her under the covers.

"Forgive me, Violet, I forget you're not lycan," Yelena said as she kissed Violet's forehead. "You did well today. The elders were very pleased with you. Rest now until dinner. When Dmitry comes home, I'll have him wake you. Sleep, daughter."

Violet was asleep before Yelena reached the door.


Dmitry came home tired and frustrated.There was no sign of Lenka and Igorek, but something told Dmitry they weren't very far away. He needed to find them and make them pay for their crimes. Justice for the people was part of his duty to the pack.

He looked forward to seeing Violet. He'd felt her tentative touches today. Unfortunately, they always came when his attention was required else where. But it warmed him to know she'd reached for him on her own. He was surprised when he entered the kitchen and she wasn't there with his family.

"Where is Violet, is she all right?" Dmitry asked, automatically reaching for her with his thoughts.

"She's fine, son, just resting," Yelena explained. "I'm afraid we wore her out today, but she did so well helping fix baskets for the elders. Then she helped carry them to their houses. More than one of the couples noticed and approved of her today."

"I'm tired too, Mother. Would you fix me a tray and I'll take it upstairs? I think I'll join my mate in an early night."

"Of course, son. Here, I've borscht and pirozhki for you both."

"Thank you, Mother." Dmitry gave her a kiss on the cheek as he took the tray from her hands. He carried the tray to the bedroom and quietly opened the door. Violet slept deeply, her hand under her cheek, and he didn't want to wake her. Dmitry put the tray on the table. He looked down at his clothes and grimaced. He should shower. Trudging through the woods all day had made him hot and sweaty. But Violet was too much of a temptation, so he stripped off his clothes and climbed into bed. Pulling her into his arms, he relaxed for the first time that day. Holding his mate gave him the peace he craved, which always amazed him. He nuzzled her neck and sighed in contentment. Violet sighed as well and snuggled closer. Dmitry decided he'd sleep for a little while, then wake her to eat. He kissed her lightly on the head and closed his eyes.

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