Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Was following Dmitry into the wilds of Siberia really the right thing to do? Violet wondered, as she finished tying the laces on her brown hiking boots. The private plane, belonging to Dmitry's people, prepared to land. She glanced around at the leather seats and warm colors. She wasn't used to such luxury. What would Dmitry's house look like? Did he live on a big estate?

She looked out the window. The large city of Yakutsk lay spread below. Nearby was a long river that Violet remembered was called the Lena River. Thank goodness, she was here in summer. Siberia in winter could be brutal. Summer weather averaged around seventy degrees though there could be highs in the nineties. The days were also long because the sun came up around four a.m. and went down around eleven at night.

Dmitry said it was near 7 p.m. local time, so Violet changed the time on her watch. She hoped the final hike into wherever they were going wouldn't be too far. She didn't relish carrying her camera bag and her suitcase a long distance. So, she moved her toiletry bag, underwear, and a change of clothes into her camera bag. If necessary, she could leave her suitcase behind with her equipment and carry the camera bag. Violet had hiked into places before but never someone's home. She wondered again what she was getting into.

The plane landed smoothly with barely a bump. Kolya opened the door and started giving orders to the ground crew. Before Anton left the plane, Violet asked him about her suitcase. He suggested they lock it in the vehicle. After a couple of days, one of the guys could hike out to get it. Anton went outside, and she was left waiting for Dmitry, who changed in the restroom.

Violet didn't know why she felt so nervous. She was a nice person. Meeting Dmitry's family wouldn't be so bad. She rubbed her sweaty palms on her khaki pants. She wanted his family to like her. She wanted a future with this caring man.

Dmitry walked out of the restroom, and Violet admired his looks. He wore a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt that showed off his broad, muscular chest. His hiking boots looked fairly new. She wondered why. Hopefully he wouldn't have problems walking in them. His black hair was slicked back. Violet wanted to run her fingers through it and mess it up again. He looked like a male model. She took her instant camera out of her pocket and took a couple of quick pictures. She felt a moment of pride in knowing he was her mate. But then she looked down at her old khaki pants and T-shirt. Her wavy hair was already coming loose from the braid she had put it in. What did this gorgeous man see in her?

Dmitry swept her into his arms and held her a moment. Violet was glad she didn't have to explain herself. She knew he touched her mind and felt the turmoil inside. Like her, his first response was to comfort. Violet needed his strong arms around her. He made her feel safe and loved.

"Are you ready, lyubov moya?" he asked quietly.

"Yes. But could you hold me a moment longer?"

"I will hold you forever, Violet," he murmured in her hair.

Violet rested for a minute, letting Dmitry hold her safe. He smelled fresh and woodsy. How nice it would be to stay in his arms forever. But she wouldn't take the coward's way out. She sighed and pushed against him. "Let's go. It's already getting late."

Dmitry didn't say anything. He took her hand and led her from the plane. He picked up her suitcase and put it in the old green four-wheel-drive truck waiting for them. Violet didn't have any idea how four of them were going to fit. Next he picked up her camera bag and placed it behind the seat.Then he climbed in and reached down for her. He settled her across his lap and shut the door. Dmitry warned the ride would be uncomfortable. She didn't realize how bad. Anton climbed into the middle. He was worse off because the big stick shift was right between his legs. Kolya climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine. The truck rumbled and grumbled, but once in gear, it seemed to drive fine.

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