Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Violet longed to have this crisis over and her old lover back. The night before, the report came in that Lenka and Igorek had probably left pack lands because no one could find them. Dmitry became angry and ordered the women from the front room. Violet went upstairs with Yelena and Alena. In her room she over heard raised voices until very late. Dmitry came to bed after she was asleep.

She sat on the edge of the bed, a new day before her, and thought about leaving. Dmitry said he needed her, but he was never around. Would leaving really fix whatever was wrong? She loved him. She didn't want to live without him. Why did she put herself in this position? Dmitry shouldn't have to choose between her and his duty to the pack. There must be a way to make this union work.

If Dmitry couldn't be with her, then she'd stay with his family. She didn't want to become an added burden when he was already so stressed. Being Dmitry's mate was like being married to a prince. Affairs of state always came first. Is that what she wanted for her life?

Violet was on her way downstairs, when she heard sobbing from a room down the hall. Her first thought was Sonya suffered from her grief. Violet quickly made her way to the bedroom door. But, when she looked in, it was Alena who cried her heart out on the bed.

"Alena, what is it? What's happened?" Violet rushed over and smoothed the hair away from Alena's face. Alena cried harder as Violet grabbed a tissue from the box on the table and offered one.

"Come on, Alena. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Do you want me to call Yelena?" she asked.

"No ..." said Alena between sobs. "He doesn't love me ..."

Violet felt more confused than ever."Who doesn't love you?"


"But you're being silly. Of course he loves you."

"No, he doesn't want me ..." Alena mumbled, still crying.

"Why do you say that?"

"We did all the work on his cottage, but he won't let me move in," Alena confessed. "I don't think he really wants me as his mate."

"Alena, you worked so hard on the cottage. Did he say why he won't let you move in?" Violet didn't know what to think. She knew Kolya loved Alena. What was going on with these two, and how could she make it better for them?

Just then, Yelena came in the door, and Violet let out a sigh of relief. She didn't realize how much she depended on Yelena's help in situations like this. She wasn't used to being part of someone's life. She wanted to help, but felt so inadequate.

"Come, Alena, you know Kolya loves you," Yelena assured her. "He's worried about Igorek and Lenka. You'd be alone and unguarded at the cottage. He's trying to protect you."

"Really, Mama? Then why doesn't he say so? He just said no and ran out the door."

"Men are often gruff when they're worried about their women. You'd think they'd be kind. But they get aggressive even with their mates."

Just then all three women heard the front door bang open and the frantic voice of Kolya calling for Alena.

"See, he felt your distress and came running," Yelena said. "Is that the act of a man who doesn't love you?"

Violet gave Alena a quick hug, then followed Yelena out into the hall. She smiled in encouragement as Kolya came running past them and into Alena's room. Violet knew now they would work things out. If only her problems with Dmitry could be fixed so easily. Why didn't he come running anymore when she was upset? Of course, it did make her feel ridiculous when he did. But it also made her feel cared for. Tonight, they needed to have a talk.

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