Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Dmitry smiled with satisfaction at his new bride. Finally, on this autumn day, Violet was his. Last month, Violet had accompanied him back to Moscow to visit the consulate and the ministry of foreign affairs. They had worked to get all the paperwork legally prepared to have the civil ceremony the Russian government required. Then they waited the required thirty days. Finally, this morning, the wedding day arrived.

Violet wore a gown of cream satin Yelena helped her design and sew. Alena gave her a blue sapphire necklace to wear for something borrowed and something blue. For something old, Yelena pulled the floral wreath out of storage she wore when she hand-fasted to Vikenti.

With Violet's long dark hair flowing down her back and her soft brown eyes alight with love, Dmitry thought she was the most beautiful woman on Earth.

Maggie and Ellen flew in for the event. They were now sitting with Ivan in the Hotel National dining room, waiting to be served their dinner. Dmitry had arranged for a semi-private space, and they were seated at a large table in an alcove. The noise and confusion of the main dining area dimmed only slightly. Grigori, acting as their escort, kept scowling at all the people. Dmitry felt a need to laugh at his friend's ferocious stare but covered it with a cough. He kept his hand on Violet and smiled graciously at their friends, when all he wanted to do was pick Violet up and carry her to their room. He wanted to unwrap Violet like the treasure she was.

The pack had unanimously accepted Violet as the Alpha's Mate. She had already organized the women into groups. Knowing she could freeze them in place may have helped convince the reluctant ones. But everyone agreed her little trick was the perfect protection for a small human woman living with a pack of wolves.

Dmitry still marveled at how well she had accepted his wolf spirit. After insisting he shift several times back and forth, she grabbed his neck and kissed him on his wet wolf nose. He shifted and kissed her right back.

Kolya, Alena, Fanya, and Andrei agreed to shift and pose for Violet's pictures. Little Illarion couldn't wait to get in on the act. National Geographic bought all the photos and waited to see what she'd do next. Violet told her agent, she was taking a leave of absence to get married and start work on her next project, a baby.

Winter approached and Violet made Maggie and Ellen bring her every conceivable item of clothing she'd need to survive a Siberian winter. Four suitcases waited upstairs to be transferred to the airport and more shipments were on the way. Dmitry looked forward to taking all those layers off her.

In the winter, when the sun gave around five hours of daylight, the lodge would depend on wood heat and gas lamps. There weren't enough hours to keep the solar cells charged. But Dmitry thought cuddling under the covers might help jumpstart Violet's next project. He could hardly wait.

Finally, the meal was finished and goodbyes exchanged. Dmitry couldn't believe how impatient he was to have Violet to himself. Maggie and Ellen promised to come for a visit next summer to see how their friend fared. They'd be flying back to America in the morning. Dmitry, with his mate at his side, would be flying back home to Siberia. He wanted to get Violet settled before the really bad snows hit.

As they moved into the lobby, Dmitry, holding Violet gently around the waist, watched as she said her goodbyes. Waves of sorrow washed over her. The mating bond was wide open and they often shared each other's feelings.

"Are you well, lyubov moya?" Dmitry sent, drawing her close.

"Yes, just missing them already, I guess," she sent as she waved goodbye.

"Do you have any regrets?"

"Not a single one, I love you, Dmitry Volkov."

"And I you, Violet Volkov." He pressed a kiss to the top ofher head.

"Take me to bed, Dimka."

Sweeping her into his arms, he smiled down at her. "I thought you'd never ask."

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