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Nine months later

Dmitry was frantic, but hid his fear deep. He would do anything to ease the struggle his wife suffered bringing his children into the world. His family had gathered in the lodge for the birth while most of the pack gathered outside to wait.

It was time. He wiped the sweat from her brow. Then he held Violet as she gave a mighty push. The midwife lifted the crying baby up for the parents to see. The baby wiggled and kicked as it cried, its black hair wet and plastered to its head.

"It's a girl," she said.

The midwife handed the baby to Yelena to clean up, as Violet pushed again. Dmitry could feel her exhaustion and sent her his love and strength through the matingbond. At least the pain subsided when the midwife gave her permission to push. He tried to shoulder as much of the pain as possible, knowing it wasn't enough. How did women do this everyday?

"Push, lyubov moya, you can do this, Violet."

"I'm so tired, Dmitry." He knew she was. She'd been in labor for close to twenty-four hours. He had walked with her. Rubbed her back. Wiped her tears and calmed her fears.

"I know, love, now push again," he urged.

Violet pushed again, and the midwife held up the second baby. A mirror copy of the first.

"This one is also a girl."

Twins, she bore twins, and both girls, Dmitry thought, as he kissed Violet's hair and held her gently. He watched as the midwife cleaned the baby and then laid her in his arms.

"What will you name them?" Yelena asked, putting the first born into his arms as well.

"Katya and Karina," Dmitry answered.

As if hearing their names was a signal, both girls sent out a telepathic cry of hunger. Dmitry could clearly hear the howling of wolves, echoing in the background, as the pack celebrated. His wolf spirit joined in the chorus sent up in celebration. Then he mentally reassured his daughters. Dmitry laid the girls in his wife's arms and kissed her gently.

"Thank you, lyubov moya. With the birth of our daughters you have given a future not just to me but to my people as well."

Dmitry felt his heart burst with the love he felt for his mate and his children. Never was there a more beautiful sight than Violet holding their daughters.

Violet looked down and felt her heart overflow with love. Their mental cries of hunger were clearly heard. She pushed down the sheet and let each girl fasten onto a nipple and start to nurse. She counted each finger and toe. They
were perfect, with dark hair like their daddy. She sent them a wave of love as she held them close. She looked up to see Dmitry looking at her with such love she wanted to cry. She felt his love, and through him the pack's love for the new life, and new hope.

Violet felt a strange vibration and looked down as the girls' forms started to shimmer and change.Where her daughters lay, two wolf pups continued to suckle her.

"Uh, Dmitry, is it normal for them to shift so young?" she asked.

Violet looked up to see the surprise and delight on everyone's faces. Vikenti grabbed Yelena in a hug. Anton let out a whoop. Dmitry and Violet gently petted the puppies as they ate. Illarion could be heard howling in the hallway, as Kolya and Alena tried to shush him.

"You did it, Violet, they have wolf spirits," Dmitry said in awe.

"Yes, Violet, they can change this young, but normally only alpha wolves do so," Yelena explained.

"Well, what did you expect?" Violet asked. "They're the Alpha's daughters."

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Alpha's Mate is available in its entirety at Amazon, Nook, Apple, Kobo, and Smashwords.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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