Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Wolves surrounded Dmitry, each one trying to get close to him. Glowing light engulfed a few. Then naked men and women stood among the pack, patting him on the shoulder or stroking his arm. Dmitry heard greetings out loud and in his mind, as he tried to touch each wolf and person in turn. These were his people, his pack.

"Thank you for your welcome. It is good to be home," Dmitry assured them all, sending a wave of affection with his telepathy.

One young pup jumped at his hand, barking and fussing. Dmitry leaned down to pick him up. The puppy wiggled and squirmed, then put its paws on Dmitry's shoulders and licked his face with abandon.

"Look how you've grown, Illarion. Where's your mother?" Dmitry chuckled as he held the pup gently. A wolf near the back shifted into a beautiful woman with long blond hair. She walked through the crowd and took the puppy from Dmitry's arms.

"Fanya, you're well? How is Andrei?" Dmitry asked fondly.

"He's well, Alpha. He's on patrol."

"Illarion grows so fast. How old is he now?" Dmitry asked, still petting the puppy in her arms.

"He's five, Alpha," Fanya answered, blushing and turning her head.

Dmitry could sense many in the pack had questions, but he didn't have answers for them yet. It was enough to be home. The answers would come.

"I'll need to speak to Sergei and Grigori, immediately. The rest of you, go back to your homes and duties. We'll visit more on the morrow."

Dmitry watched as the wolves and people slowly wandered off until only two large wolves remained. He recognized them immediately as Sergei and Grigori, two of his strongest wolves, Alphas in their own right.

"Come into the house, my friends. We need to talk." Dmitry turned and headed into the house. He knew his friends would follow him.

Dmitry walked into the house and pulled out draw string pants, setting them on the couch, as two naked men walked in the door. Nakedness was part of shifting and didn't mean anything in the pack. Dmitry looked at his friends and felt sorrow. These two men had pledged their support and love to him long before he became their Alpha. It would be hard for him to send them away. But there were no mates here for them. He might not have a choice.

"It's good you're back, Dmitry. We have a problem," Sergei said, looking worried.

Sergei was tall and muscular, his blond hair so light, it was close to white, and his gray eyes so bright, they looked silver. When he shifted, he turned into a wolf with markings that appeared all white. They had grown up together, Dmitry, Kolya, and Sergei. When they were young, they were inseparable.

"Several members of the pack are causing unrest. It needs to be dealt with," Grigori said, looking stern.

Grigori was five years older than Dmitry. He was slightly shorter and stockier than Dmitry and Sergei. His hair was dark brown, and he, like the other males of the pack, was well muscled. When he shifted, he turned into a large silver and gray wolf with sprinklings of mahogany in his gray markings.

Dmitry remembered how he and his friends idolized Grigori, following him around and getting in the way. Grigori was always patient with them and taught them how to hunt and survive in the wilderness. He became their mentor, and Dmitry loved him as an older brother.

"Tell me," Dmitry sighed.

"It is Lenka, he and Fyodor were the ones asking for Alena. They're spreading rumors saying Fyodor was murdered. He leads his little brother, Pavel, and his friend, Igorek. I think his brother is trapped into doing what he says. Pavel isn't an Alpha, he's small and timid."

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