Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Violet enjoyed the cockpit experience, but her thoughts kept going back to Dmitry and his people. Who were they, and why was she chosen as his mate? She knew in her heart she was falling for Dmitry. The chemistry between them was electric, but it was more than chemistry. She touched his mind and knew him as well as she knew herself. She realized he held information back from her, but she also sensed his need for her acceptance and love. It was like a huge sore only she could heal. It was all very confusing at times. She'd known him only a couple of days, but already she couldn't see herself living without him. Then there was the horrible grief she experienced when they were separated. Could she stand living without him?

Violet's own mother often spoke of knowing she'd marry her father from the first moment she saw him. Was this the same thing, love at first sight? Dmitry felt so right to her. Being with him felt like coming home after one of her assignments. What was she doing? Putting her work on hold to follow this man? Violet hoped her intuition worked because everything within kept pointing to Dmitry. She wanted him, needed him. She was in love with him! It was like her parents' love. Somehow she knew Dmitry was the one. She sat frozen in shock.

Just then, the door to the cockpit was thrown open, and Dmitry stood looking at her. He reached out his hand and caressed her cheek.

"What is it, lyubov moya? You're upset."

Violet thought she could drown in the love she saw in his eyes. Then she realized how very strong their bond must be. He felt her shock and came to her, thinking something was wrong.

"It is only my own thoughts upsetting me."

"Come to the back with me. I'll give you thoughts that are not upsetting."

She smiled and allowed him to lead her out of the cockpit to their original seats. Violet was happy to see Kolya talking to Anton. He seemed to be feeling better. Dmitry sat and pulled her onto his lap.

"Now what has upset you, milaya moya?"

"What does that mean? It is different from the other one you say."

"It means 'my sweet.' But I think you're trying to change the subject."

"Yes, a little."


"Tell me, Violet." Dmitry spoke quietly and waited.

Violet looked down at him, and he could see emotions crossing her eyes. He thought he saw love and tenderness, and his heart fluttered in his chest. How much he wanted to see those emotions as she looked at him. Then the emotions were replaced with wariness and determination. Dmitry felt as if a knife gutted him. He stiffened, but still he waited. He could try to take the information from her mind. But he wanted her to trust him enough to share her concerns. He couldn't blame her for being wary. He hadn't been completely honest with her. But it hurt him anyway.

"Dmitry, everything is happening so fast. I've known you only a couple of days. I don't understand this mating bond, or how it works, or why me?" she said with a sigh.

Dmitry looked at her and wondered what to say. He could tell she kept things back from him, but figured it was more of the same. She didn't understand what was happening to her. He wasn't sure how to explain. He'd try if only to take the wariness from her eyes.

"You're a telepath, so you know some people have more to them than others, yes? My people also have differences. We have abilities that could make us targets or science experiments. Like you, we keep our abilities to ourselves. But we have gathered together for protection and support. It was necessary to survive.

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