chapter - 11 ( parks?)

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He could see the pink buds staring at him. He stared at it for a minute and then lifted his right hand, at first he touched it gently but then did what he wanted to do. He slightly pinched them making taehyung whine in sleep.

Jungkook controlled himself and went to take pajamas for taehyung. He then took taehyung's pants off revealing his long tan legs. He controlled himself and look away.

He put on taehyung's pajamas and then covered him with sheets.

He can't wait for the way he will make love to taehyung. He really can't.


Next day taehyung woke up in Jungkook's arms. The first thing he noticed is Jungkook's handsome face.
He likes waking up like this, he woke up carefully trying not to wake jungkook.

After taking a shower he made breakfast. While jungkook was getting freshen up taehyung got a call from mrs Jeon.

" Good morning dear " Mrs Jeon greeted him.

" Good morning mom" He replied.

" I saw the telecast yesterday. You were looking fabulous. I am so proud of you. "

" Thanks mom " said taehyung. Mrs Jeon always compliments him even on small things. She behaves like an angel with him.

" You both have to come home for dinner today. Your dad's friend is coming to stay with his son. I told you about this friend remember, they couldn't come to wedding for some reason. "

" The ones from the US ? " Taehyung asked remembering park family.

" Yes. They are going to move in here permanently. Their mansion is still not ready so your dad requested them to stay with us for the time being.
I called your eomma too. Let's have a family dinner together okay. "

Taehyung felt happy how mrs Jeon accepted his mother so quickly like a family member while her own family never cared.

He informed jungkook about the dinner who nodded his head and then seems to remember something. He said " you have to do something for me. "

" What ? " Asked taehyung.

" Buy a gift for park jimin. He will be mad at me for not picking up his calls " Said jungkook making taehyung confuse.

" Why didn't you pick up his calls then ?"

" He is so annoying basically a spoilt brat and he will ask me to keep an eye on his boyfriend. You will get to know when you met him.
Here is your card and ask Maria she will call the driver for you. "

Jungkook stood up and took his bag. He was about to go taehyung stopped him.

" Wait. "

Jungkook stood looking at taehyung not knowing why taehyung stopped him. 

Taehyung went on his toes and kissed Jungkook on his lips softly.

" Have a good day Mr Jeon. " Said taehyung looking at jungkook with a smile. Even though he was shy he wanted to do this. He didn't wanted their relationship to be formal or like a friendship. They are life partners, newly wed couples and they should behave like one that's what he learnt from his mother.

He was about to return to the kitchen when jungkook pulled him close by his waist and kissed him hard.

Taehyung clutches into Jungkook's biceps as he couldn't breathe. After a while jungkook let him go. He finally got to breathe properly.

" Same to you Mr Jeon. " Said jungkook with a smirk as he saw taehyung catching his breath properly.


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