chapter - 14 ( blood)

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Mr park asked his bodyguard to held the fanboy and went to held taehyung. He covered taehyung's wound with his handkerchief and took him and jimin outside.

The bodyguard held the the crazy fanboy and called police. Seeing this jisung and his other friends ran away from there.

Mr park caresses taehyung's hand knowing he was in pain. Taehyung looked at mr park with teary eyes thankfully.

Jimin who was sitting next to them felt his heart skipped in a weird way. His dad is being so caring for taehyung. Even though he understands taehyung is injured but his dad didn't even asked him once if he got hurt too.

When they arrived at the hospital mr park carefully took taehyung inside and called the doctor.

Taehyung got three stitches and he cried in pain holding Mr park's hand.

" Your son will be fine in few days Mr park. Don't worry. " Said the doctor after finishing his work making taehyung and jimin shock.

" You are misunderstanding doctor. He isn't my father. " Said taehyung not wanting to make mr park uncomfortable. He removed his hand from mr parks after saying this not knowing he was actually breaking his heart.

" Oh sorry. You both lookalike So I thought. Sorry about that. " Said the doctor making jimin looked at taehyung and now realise how similar they both looked.

He felt jealous, he looked just like his mother. He held his father's arm and asked taehyung if he was feeling okay.

Jungkook entered the room hurriedly, he got taehyung's massage when he was coming to the hospital.

He went to taehyung and checked on him. Taehyung smile and assured him he was fine.

" Since jungkook is here now. We are going taehyung. I will call you later okay? " Said jimin making taehyung nod.

" Thank you so much mr park for taking care of me. " Said taehyung with a smile.

Jimin come back with his father with a heavy heart.

Mr park clutches into the handkerchief he put on taehyung's injury, there was so much blood.


" I am sorry eomma. I know i should have informed you immediately. " Said taehyung while talking to his eomma. His eomma got worried and came to meet him.

Since his injury wasn't so serious he decided to come home. He wanted to send jungkook to office again but he didn't, he stayed with taehyung and took care of him.

" You should have baby. What will do if something happens to you " Said taeyeon almost crying.

" Nothing will happen to him eomma. " Said jungkook who came to the room with taehyung's food.

" From now on I won't let taehyung go outside without any security. I have appointed some bodyguards for him.
About the person who hurted him, I will make sure he never gets out of prison. "  Jungkook took a spoonful of porridge to feed him but taehyung stopped him.

" That's too cruel. He was just a blind, crazy fan who got angry and got into a fight that doesn't mean he deserves to spend his whole life in the prison. Don't do this please. Maybe 1 month in jail is enough. Right eomma ? Also I don't need any bodyguards. I will just be careful next time. " Said taehyung looking at eomma hoping she would agree but ofcourse she was a mother, she didn't say anything.

" I will agree with your 1 month prison opinion only if you agree with my bodyguards opinion. Choice is yours. " Said jungkook spoon feeding taehyung.

Taehyung thought for a bit then agreed, he don't want ruin anyone's life.

" Fine. I agree. "

Jungkook smirked hearing him. Taehyung don't have to know that his 1 month is 10 years for jungkook. No one gets away way this easily after hurting his family.

" My good boy " Said jungkook kissing his forehead making taehyung shy infront of his eomma.

Jungkook insisted taeyeon to stay for the night and she agreed. She knew she won't be able to sleep at home even though she saw taehyung is doing well. She is a mother after all.

Later at night taehyung was laying down after taking his medicine. He was practically lying on Jungkook and Jungkook was caressing his waist.

" Do you want to say something? " Asked jungkook after he saw taehyung plying with his buttons.

Taehyung stopped and looked at jungkook suspiciously. How does jungkook know if he wants to say something.

" Just tell me. "

" You know today mr park took care of me. He pressed a handkerchief around my wound and caresses my hand telling me I will be fine, it won't hurt anymore once we reached the hospital.... He was nice to me.... Like a family, like a father taking care of his child. For a moment I thought he was my father... I am speaking nonsense right now... But basically I want to say jimin is lucky. He was little jealous when the doctor though Mr park is my dad. He was cute."

" I see. " Jungkook could only reply.


Park jaehyung looked at envolve in his hand. His heart knows the truth but his brain is not ready to accept it.

He opened the envelope and took out the report. With shaky hands he opened the report.

His eyes roamed around the paper to see the results. He closed his eyes after he saw it was positive.

Taehyung was his biological son.

He felt like his head is spinning at this moment. His heart knew it the moment he saw taehyung. He have the exact nose and eyes as him. Even a stranger could see they were related.

He was such a bad father to taehyung. He didn't even knew he exist till now. His missed his entire childhood and even adulthood. His son is already married.

He couldn't help but cry at his own life. What a pathetic life he had.

After crying for a while he got up. He already missed so many things he can't do it anymore.

He needs to meet his son, tell him he still have a father who would die for him.
He wants to spends time with him, buy his gifts, spoil him like a little princess, he is a omega after all. Tell him if jungkook ever even dare to hurt him he will protect him. His son taehyung, his second son.

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