chapter - 18 ( Dad )

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Taehyung nervously played with his fingers while waiting for his dad. A dad he never knew existed. Today he is going spend his entire day with him. It was jimin's idea. He met taehyung and made it clear that he have no problem with taehyung being his brother.

" I don't mind having a brother. It's just I only have dad and..." Before jimin could finish taehyung held his hand giving him a smile.

" I understand what you are trying to say. I know it's hard for you but let me clear that I won't come between you two or will try to take your place. You will always be his first baby don't worry. " 

" I...I don't know how to say it but can you share your eomma with me. " Said jimin nervously not knowing what taehyung will say.

" What ? " Taehyung wasn't expecting this from jimin.

" I mean I don't have mom and your eomma seems sweet,  I loved her cupcakes. You know I will get married soon. I want to do many things omega's do with their mom's like learning cooking .... you know what forgot what I said. Be ready for tomorrow. Dad will pick you up " Jimin got up. He tried to leave but taehyung stopped him by holding his hand.

Taehyung got up and hugged jimin. He felt bad for jimin. He had both of parents but jimin only had his dad.

" Eomma will love you. She will be there for you I promise. "

Jimin hugged taehyung tight with teary eyes.

Taehyung come out of his thoughts when park jaehyung's car stopped infront of him.

Jaehyung opened the car door for taehyung. Both father and son sat on the car. There was a awkward silence between. Even though jaehyung wanted to say so many things to taehyung he was hesitant.

The silence was broken by taehyung as he asked " where are we going ? "

" We are going to a amusement park. If you don't want to go then let's go somewhere else. " Said jaehyung. He missed taehyung's entire childhood he didn't know where to start, he chose to go to a amusement park first then go for shopping. He wanted to buy taehyung so many things.

" No it's fine. I just wanted to know. " Taehyung replied. It's been a while he went to a amusement park. Before there could be more silence he said
" Jimin is quite possesive over you. "

Jaehyung laughed hearing this.

" He is. From childhood. He won't let many people come near me. It's because he barely had anyone around him who genuinely loved him.
I am sure he will be fine since he got yoongi and his family. They love jimin.
I am so thankful to God that both of my son's got such good Alpha's. "

" Even though I know jungkook is a good boy but If he ever hurt you or even dare to shout on you you just tell me okay ? "

Taehyung chuckled hearing him.

They both talked a lot about their own lives, the things they missed. After visiting the amusement park they both went to a jwellery shop as jaehyung wanted to buy taehyung a lot of things.

Seeing how excited jaehyung looked taehyung couldn't say no to him.

The manager welcomed them and took them to their private area.

" Show us all the new disigns don't care about expenses " said jaehyung making the workers understand.

They came with many necklaces, bracelets, earrings for taehyung. Taehyung felt like too much. He just wanted to take any one item but ofcourse jaehyung wasn't satisfied.
It was the first time he was buying taehyung gifts.

Jasmine who also came to this jwellery shop with her manger saw taehyung. She was confused when she saw taehyung with an unknown older man.

A plan came to her mind as she smirked. She pulled out her camera from her bag and asked her manger to take some pictures. She have to find out if this person is a relative if not then no worries, she will make sure to create another problem.

After taehyung convinced jaehyung to stop buying they went out of the shop.
They entered a restaurant to have lunch. Jaehyung ordered many dishes for taehyung. He couldn't stop feeding taehyung by his hands. Taehyung enjoyed getting pampered by this man.

In the evening jaehyung dropped taehyung home even though he didn't wanted to stay away from his son.

He carried all the things inside and said bye to taehyung. He was about to go taehyung stopped him by calling him.

" Dad ? "

Jaehyung stopped his tracks hearing this. He couldn't stop himself from crying. He wanted to hear this word from Taehyung since he get to know about him. But he didn't wanted to pressure taehyung. He turned around and taehyung hugged him.

" Thanks dad for accepting me, for wanting me in ur life. I promise I will try to be a good son. "

" You are welcome sweetheart, You are always welcome in my life. Remember you dad will be there for you always. "

Jungkook came back Home and saw taehyung cooking dinner. Taehyung gave him a wide smile when he saw him.

" Go freshen up. Dinner is ready. "

Jungkook dropped his bag on the couch and went to hug taehyung from behind. He kissed taehyung's ear and whispered " you like getting panishments. "

Taehyung chuckled hearing this. He turned around putting his arms around Jungkook's neck.

" Yes. I do like getting punished by my alpha husband. " said taehyung making Jungkook's grip on his waist tight.

" How's your day? " Asked jungkook changing the topic cause he wanted to freshen up first before he could eat his meal cough

" It was great. Dad took care of me like a baby. We went to a amusement park first, then we went to shopping, he brought me many things then we had lunch together " Said taehyung happily making jungkook happy.

He kissed taehyung's nose and said
" I am glad you enjoyed your day. "

They both had dinner together afterwards. Jungkook as always praises taehyung's cooking at the same time scolded him for doing any work.

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