chapter - 12 ( Monster )

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Taeyeon layed down on the bed as she remembers her past. A poor orphan teenager who dared to date one of the richest boy in high school.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she remembers how park jaehyung's father humiliated her when he got to know about their dating.

She was thankful to Kim daehyung who was there for her or God knows where she would be right now.

Now that she is finally relief knowing taehyung is safe, happy and healthy he had to come back in their life. can she ever catch a break in her life?


" Can you brought some socks for me when you go to shopping tomorrow with jimin ? " Asked jungkook while typing something in his laptop.

" Sure. " Taehyung replied. He watched jungkook wearing glasses focusing on his work looking good as usual. He realised Jungkook is such a gentleman he won't take a next step in their relationship, he will have to lead in this situation.

He kinda start feeling scared from yesterday, jungkook have everything, he is hardworking, good looking, rich everyone wants him. Jungkook could have marry anyone who is more prettier, richer than him like jasmine she was a beautiful girl daughter of a rich businessman very famous too.
What if one day jungkook feels like he made a mistake and leave taehyung ?

What he will do, just in few days he felt like he can't even imagine his life without jungkook now.

Jungkook saw taehyung's face and closed his laptop. He then knocked on his forehead making him coming out of his thoughts.

" Are you worried about something ? "

" No. I was just thinking about.....
jimin. he seems like a good boy. "
Taehyung changed the topic cause he didn't wanted jungkook to know about his insecurities. What if he thinks he it's annoying.

" I don't like liers. " Said jungkook making taehyung shiver. He could see jungkook wasn't happy with his answer.

Taehyung sighed, he wants to be honest with Jungkook, honesty is important in a relationship.

" I was just thinking about why didn't you date anyone till now. There were so many beautiful omega's from rich families who wanted to date you. I mean there were so many maybe some of them were like me who would have treated you properly and maybe behaved just like me" He said making jungkook chuckle.

He held taehyung's hand and pulled him in his lap, circling his legs around his waist.

" Tae, you are the only one for me. I will never leave you I promise. And don't ever think yourself any less. You are the most beautiful person in the world not just outside inside too. You are kind, hardworking and I have enough money. " Said jungkook making taehyung teary.

" I am scared of you now. How do you know what I was thinking ? " Said taehyung pouting, putting his hand around Jungkook's jaw.

" I just know. " Jungkook smiled and looked at taehyung's lips. He again tried to control himself, he don't want to hurt taehyung.

Taehyung noticed this and cupped his face saying " you know I already have myself to you right? Why you control yourself around me like I am some stranger ? "

" You don't know what you are asking for tae. I don't want to hurt you. Once you gave me permission I won't show any mercy " Said jungkook holding taehyung's waist alomost warning him.

" I just said I gave myself to you. I know you won't hurt me. I know what I am asking for "  Said taehyung while coming closer to Jungkook.

That was the last words for jungkook, he layed taehyung down and hovered over him.

He attacked taehyung's lips, kissing him like there is no tomorrow. Taehyung could bearly keep up with him.

Jungkook stopped and looked at taehyung's face who was catching his breath with swollen lips.

He again looked at taehyung asking for permission. Taehyung understood and started opening the buttons of Jungkook's shirt.

After taking off his shirt jungkook started undressing taehyung. As soon as his pink buds came to the sight he started sucking them making taehyung moan.

He sucked them gently at first but then he went harsh turning them red, he couldn't get enough of them. He could imagine how swollen they will get once the omega get pregnant with his kids.

He then went down kissing his belly button making taehyung breath heavily. His hands caresses the side of his waist.

After that he pulled down the last piece of cloth taehyung was wearing making him shy. He wanted hide away from Jungkook's sharp gaze.

Jungkook caresses the pink hole with his fingers before entering his first finger. He didn't wanted to hurt taehyung, he could feel it's taehyung's first time.

" It's my first time " Said taehyung feeling kind of embarassed. What if he couldn't give him pleasure just the way jungkook wants. He don't really know about all this. He didn't realise he was being stiff while thinking about it.

" Shh...relax. it's my first time too " Said jungkook caressing his thighs gently kissing them.

Taehyung was shocked hearing this. He is so lucky to have jungkook. He always learned to save himself for a special one from his eomma even though it's very common not to stay virgin for your life partners nowadays.

Jungkook entered the second finger making taehyung winch because of the pain. He took deep breaths and tried to relax his body.

After preparing taehyung jungkook took out his fingers to see them red.

He took off his pants and put some lube on his c***. He entered taehyung's h*** making taehyung cry out in pain.

Jungkook hovered over him and kissed him gently to ease his pain. Once he felt like taehyung wasn't hurting that much he started moving.

At first it was the thrusts were gentle but got rough with time.
Jungkook and taehyung both moaned each other's name. Taehyung c*** with a loud moan.

Jungkook came inside him after taehyung told him he will take pills next day.

Jungkook layed over taehyung and kissed his chest inhaling the sweet scent he was radiating.

Taehyung caresses his hair thinking it's over for now. But to his surprise jungkook sat up ready to go inside him again.

" I told you I won't show any mercy. " Said jungkook before entering him again.

Taehyung could only moan for next few hours. Next day when he woke up His neck was covered in red marks, his buds had Jungkook's teeth marks and Jungkook c*** inside him so much that his lower abdomen was swollen as if he got pregnant.

Taehyung gluped seeing jungkook sleeping on while hugging him. He was wrong about him, he was a monster not a gentleman.

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