mother nature stage drama 2 🩸

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y/n pov

as she runs of the stage waving her hands, i can see she looks slightly more relaxed than before, but shes holding her stomach with both hands as she reaches the stage stairs. 

i feel so terrible for her and i pull her into a hug as soon as she sees me. 

i pick her up, and carry her, baby style, into her green room and lay her down on the couch. i begin heating up the heat pack in the microwave as she closes her eyes and groans again in pain. 

"that was probably the worst show ive ever done", she says, as she slowly sits up and begins taking off her shoes and socks. 

"no baby, the audience came to see billie eilish, and they saw billie eilish, im sure it was perfect for them. plus you probably did a good thing by just being honest about what happened. no one can say anything bad because of you getting your period, can they?" i questioned, knowing she probably would agree. 

"i know, i just wasn't happy with like all of it. i was so emotional, goddamn", she says, as i lay her back on the lounge, removing the heating pad from her stomach and placing the heat pack there instead. 

"mm, that feels much better", she whispers softly. 

after the shows, billie usually like quiet time to unwind by herself or with me for 5 or 10 minutes, so maggie, finneas and claudia dont come in until a little while later. 

"hey bils", finneas says working in the room, water bottle in hand

"hey honey, how are you feeling", maggie says in her calm tone, stroking billies forehead as she sits down next to her on the couch. 

" i feel like i just ate shit", billie responds. her eyes are red raw from crying throughout the show, and she looks so tired. 

claudia frowns and walks over to the food table, saying "billie no one should be in that much pain i think you should see a doctor"

"i know but i just know they'll probably dismiss me and ill still end up feeling like shit", she says back, and i can see the anger building up in her. 

she walks out of the room to the bathroom and returns with the stained shorts in her hands. 

"oh shit did someone stab you", finneas laughs and everyone looks at him, annoyed faces all around. 

billies eyes glaze over again, and i can tell the littlest of things are affecting her. 

maggies pov

"finneas, i dont think its the time for jokes", claudia whispers, and i look at billie, knowing how much pain shes in. 

i take the shorts from her and put them in my bag, making a mental note to get the stain out at home and give them back, so she doesn't have to worry about it. 

patrick walks in and i can tell billies mood immediately lifts, as he walks over and pulls her into a hug. 

"im so done with tonight, i think im gonna go home. sorry i let everyone down out there", billie says, jerking her neck back from a tic. 

"hey you didn't let anyone down", i say trying to comfort her. 

"no bils you performed amazing, im sorry i was such a dick i was just tryna make you feel better"

claudia walks over and wraps her in a hug. 

"billie you were amazing out there, dont doubt yourself, they all wanted to be there", patrick reassures her. 


y/n pov 

its later on from the show now and billie and i are just sitting in her car listening to frank sinatra. thankfully, the show was a hometown one and we were able to go back to our house rather than a hotel or the tour bus. 

"you feeling okay baby?", i whisper across to her, watching her face as her eyes blink exhaustingly. i can tell shes not feeling great about the show, and overall not good. 

"not really but the world doesn't stop for me when i get my period", she chuckles, throwing her head back against the seat. 

i get out of the car and walk over to her side, opening the door for her. i help her out and we walk upstairs together. she flops on the bed, groaning. 

billies pov

ive never been so embarrassed at something i did on stage, but tonight was a whole level of embarrassment. 

i can hear the shower turning on from the bathroom and y/n comes out and picks me up off the bed. she carries me to the bathroom and helps me strip my clothes off. she phelps me into the shower and then asks if i want company. 

she looks so sweet and so comforting, and i nod my head eagerly, watching as she peels away the layers, revealing her beautiful body. 

she climbs into the shower, picking up the soap, and washing my body, and humming along to the music she has playing as i look up at her in admiration. 

i can tell she wants some of me, but i can't give it to her because of my lack of energy, and the pain that still shooting through my body. 

so we climb out of the shower, and dry ourselves together in a large warm towel. we wear matching pajamas to bed that night, and as im falling asleep, i hear the same thing as every other night. 

"i love you to the moon and back angel", she says.

"i love you to pluto and back sugar", i respond. 

and with that i fall asleep in her arms, her comforting touch dimishing my pain. 


i cant be bothered to edit cause its late so here u go 😛

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