Chapter 1.

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Out of my mind by Taylor Mecca 

Fitz POV

I swirl my stew looking thing with my spoon, waiting for everyone to stop talking about their love life's. But as usual that doesn't happen. 

I sneak a glance over at Keefe, a habit of mine when I feel uncomfortable. This time it was a mistake. He has his arm slung around waist as Sophie kisses his jaw. Mine locks. Any hope of eating, gone. 

Keefe catches my glance and sends me an apologetic smile before whispering something to Sophie who stops and looks guilty. A part of me is smug, the other part hates myself for feeling smug. At long last lunch ends, letting me distract myself with my classes. 

"FITZ! FITZ! DUDE SLOW DOWN!" I hear some yell from behind me. I turn and see Keefe pushing his way through the ocean of bodies. "God, your fast" he says when he finally gets to me. 

"What's up?" I ask as I start walking again. 

"Well, I was wondering. We haven't had a boys night in forever, you interested? We could invite Dex too!" he says with a grin. 

"What about Tam?" I ask with a smirk. 

"If you say yes, fine. But please. I advice against it. See ya later!" he says as he runs off, most likely going to skip another class and distract Sophie while she's in hers. Sophie...

No stop. Just get to class. 


"Psh. Look at him? How should we wake him? A scream in his ear? A glass of water to the face? Ooh! There's a prank Sophie told me about-" 

"No Sophie. Talk of her is not allowed in this room" I mumble into my pillow, angry to be woken up from my much needed nap. 

"Sorry" Keefe says sheepishly. 

"What are you all doing here?" I ask referring to Tam, Dex, and Keefe. 

"We've been dragged here for something called 'boys night'?" Tam asks while doing finger quotes. "And I can see why you need it...You've been pouting way too much" he says honestly. I just glare at him. 

"Where are we going?" Dex pipes up, finally looking away from the gadget in his hands. 

"Some where with girls" Keefe says as he rubs his chin, thinking. 

"I may know a place..." Tam mumbles. "And Keefe before you ask. No it is not a strip club" he says with a sigh. 

'What's a strip club?' I mouth to Dex. 

'No idea' he responds. 

"Come on. Fitz, you get dressed. Keefe, you get to pay for this little adventure. And Dex, go brush your hair. You look like you just had sex" he says with a head shake. 

"The sex Dex" Keefe says like a game show host. Sophie has showed us all a few of them-nope stop. 

In the next twenty minutes we are out of the house and have light leaped to a... market looking thing?

"Where are we?" Keefe asks as he rubs his eyes to get the sand that drifted into his eyes out. 

"Best place to flirt with women. Most of the shops are women operated, and all are looking to sleep with someone other than her husband. And trust me they are pretty good in bed" he says with a look towards me. I told him about my last one night stand. She was...less than adequate. 

For the next forty minutes I flirt with random women. Not my best attempts. I'd given up on doing anything other than shopping. 

"What's this? Lucia the Soul Mate Finder? Sounds so stupid!" Dex says with a laugh, Tam joins him. Keefe looks at me and then the sign. 

"We're giving it a shot" he says with more determination than I'd ever seen him have.

 "Wait, what now? I'm not doing this! It's stupid and isn't even accurate!" I huff as he pulls my hand, dragging me into the dark purple tent. 

"Welcome! Welcome! My name is Lucia! I have the ability to find a persons love, come come try" she says as she takes Keefe's hand. He whips his hand away before she can touch it. 

"No thanks! We're here for my friend! This guy!" he says as he pushes me toward her. I hear Dex and Tam snickering. 

"A handsome young man! Let's meet the lucky lady shall we? First payment" she says. After Keefe pays her, her hands move towards my neck. "Do not freak out. I must locate your pulse point to do my reading. It won' t hurt a bit! Would your friends like to see the vision too?" she asks as her cold, clammy hands feel around my neck.

"Yep! All three of us!" Dex responds. Great

"Ah. Found it" she says. Next thing I know I'm in a small room. Or by elfin size it's small. 

The room is covered with paintings splattering the walls. Like murals all around the room. She has old looking glass dolls with curly hair and fancy dresses. I count forty five of them. 

The bed in the corner has clothes thrown about. And there are books taking up every inch of space. The room has three book shelves but they are packed full. There are starts littering the walls and flowers tucked in every nook and cranny. I go to reach for a flower but my hand goes right through it. I must not be physically here. 

On the wall above the bed hang thousands of pictures and notes. All placed like a puzzle. Before I can finish admiring the pictures the door flies open and in burst a girl. 

She looks to by about five feet tall, with beautiful shiny blonde hair. She has a small nose but plump pink lips. Her face is sprinkled in freckles and her skin clear. She has a small looking figure, but with really good sized boobs. Her butt is stretching the fabric of her leggings making it easy to see her underwear lines. 

She wears dark green leggings and low cut black shirt with a corset string holding the top together. Her hair is in a giant bun on the top of her head, ready to fall out. Her eyes are closed making her dark lashes look even longer than they already were. And she seems to be wearing three pairs of large fuzzy socks? Before I can contemplate this she starts to talk. 

No not talking. Singing

Your there in the corner with your messed up tie

And the girls all over you cause your so wild 

And I feel so attached to you when you smile

But it all just stops when you speak your mind 

Seeing more attention as we're breaking ties 

Feeling obligated to ask you why 

But I know your no good for me 

You catch my eye 

But it all just stops when you speak your mind 

You speak your mind

I hate you cause I know that you love me 

And you just can't get enough of me

I can't help how I act when your with me 

Cause I can't get you out of my mind

She abruptly singing as a little yellow box lights up. Much to my dismay. She had a lovely voice. I would give anything to hear it again. She finally opens her eyes and I see the color right before I'm whipped back to reality. 

Green. Her eyes were emerald green. A human color.

Blue and GreenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang