Chapter 9.

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A/N A bit longer chapter, but it has a big cliffhanger/surprise at the end! I bet none of you can figure it out before you read it! And if you do, you're a telepath. Or Lucia The Soul Mate Finder. 

Fitz POV. 

"Miss Berk, we'll need to discuss living arrangements" Forkel says once most of the group left. Keefe, Sophie, Biana, and I are the only other ones left with Minnesota and Forkel. 

Sophie because she's the Moonlark and has to be a part of everything. Keefe because he wanted too and he's dating Sophie. Biana because I'm staying, obviously, and doesn't want to go home alone. 

We're sitting in his office. Sophie and Keefe are sitting by the door while Minnesota and I are across from Forkel at his desk. Biana is off doing something. 

"Wait, what? I'm not dying! I'm never dying! I'm gonna out live all you suckers!" she says as she points her finger at us. She's so cute. I chuckle under my breath. "Oh you just wait, Fitz! I will! I'll dance on your grave to prove it!" she says as her cheeks heat up when she catches my gaze. 

"Not like that Miss Berk. Where you'll be staying. I've talked with a few of the parents. The Ruewens said they'd be able to take you in. As well as the Dizznees and Vackers" he says as if she'd know who these people are. I lean over closer to her in my chair. 

"The Ruewens are Sophie's family, the Dizznees are Dex's family, and Vackers are my family" I whisper to her. I see her shiver before sending me a thankful smile. 

"The Vackers please!" she says as soon as I finish talking. I let out a small chuckle as she turn red. She has amazing confidence, but is shy. A strange but inviting combination. 

"Very well, you'll go home with the Vackers" he says with a nod as he scribbles something on a piece of paper. 

"Could I grab a few things from home? I won't be long and they won't even know I'm gone. I usually teleport back home any way" she says with a small shrug. I'm getting major deja vu. 

"Are you saying they know?" Forkel asks her as he sits up straight and alert. 

"No, they don't know how I get home so quick and without their knowledge. They assume I slip in quietly" she clarifies. 

"Then yes you may, but no interacting of any sort. Except with your sister. I need to have a chat with her" he says. 

"Why?" she asks defending. She's sending him a dangerous glare. "I will not be putting her in any sort. Don't bring her into this" she spits. 

"She signed up to trouble when you were born" he says back. 

"But she was born after me, numb skull" she says with an eye roll. 

"She's an elf" I mumble. She whips her head in my direction. 

"Wait what? She can't be! She's a small child!" she says flabbergasted. 

"You could tell?" Forkel seemed surprised. 

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask. I mean sure, I don't know how I could tell, but I could none the less. 

"It was hard for me to tell in full honesty. The fact you could tell at your age and experiance is unusual" he says as he ponders as he rubs his chin. 

"What do you expect? He's Wonder Boy!" Keefe says with a laugh. I roll my eyes as I see Minnesota try and hold her laughter in. Long story short, she can't. She burst out laughing. A whole body shaking laugh. 

"Wonder Boy?" she asks between laughs. 

"Haha" I say sarcastically. She laughs as she places her forehead on my shoulder. She continues to laugh.

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