Chapter 22.

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When We're Human by Michael-Leon Wooley, Bruno Campos, Anika Noni Rose, and  Terence Blanchard

Fitz POV. 

I have never been more jealous of some as I was of Dex in that moment. They way she lifted his lips with her pointer fingers, they brushed his lips. Those should be my lips she's touching. 

As you can tell my brain decided to take a nap, and my heart had too much caffein and cheesy romance movies. 

So I did the only logical thing. I shove fruit down her throat. 


The rest of the day went normal, if you count normal being I can't stop thinking about my green eyed girl and the little moan she made when eating the chicken.

And after an eternity it was finally time for Telepathy. I was dying to figure out how that little mind of hers works. Not in a weird cereal killer type way.

Fitz. I'm lost. Again I hear in my head. Ah, knew it would happen at least once today.


A big oak door with silver giraffes on it. She's by Lady Sempsal's. 

Ah, your by Lady Sempsal's. Be there in a minute I tell her and run down the hall past the stuttering first years. She's probably against a wall singing.

And finally I get to the corridor she's in and guess what? She's sitting against the wall singing, as I predicted. I chuckle and wait behind the wall to listen.

"If I were a human being
I'd head straight for New Orleans
And I'd blow this horn so hot and strong
Like no one they've ever seen

If I were a human being
I'd head straight for New Orleans
And I'd blow this horn so hot and strong
Like no one they've ever seen

You've heard of Louis Armstrong,
Mr. Sidney Bechet?
All those boys gonna step aside
When they hear this old ex-gator play, Listen...

When I'm human
As I hope to be
I'm gonna blow this horn
'til the cows come home
And everyone's gonna bow down to me

When I'm myself again
I want just the life I had
A great big party every night
That doesn't sound too bad

A redhead on my left arm
A brunette on my right
A blonde or two to hold the candles
Now that seems just about right
Eh, Louis?

Life is short
When you're done, you're done
We're on this earth
To have some fun
And that's the way things are

When I'm human
And I'm gonna be
I'm gonna tear it up like I did before
And that's the royal guarantee" she sings and makes a weird noise the word listen. I laugh and she stops singing. Her head snaps up in my direction with her cheeks red.

"Oh, it's just you, you scared me you idiot!" she exclaims and you can practically see the smoke coming out of her ears. I just hunch over and laugh my ass off. "Haha" she says sarcastically. She walks past me and makes sure to hit her shoulder against mine. It hit me on the arm thanks to her height. 

"You might wanna wait for me" I tell her still leaning against the wall. She turns around with a glare and crosses her arms. It makes her boobs perk up. Nope no, get your head out of the gutter. 

"And why's that?" she asks defensively. She looks like a kitten when she tries to be intimidating and upset. 

"I know where I'm going" I tell her and hook my arm through hers as I walk us to Telepathy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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