Chapter 18.

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The Phantom Of the Opera - From 'The Phantom Of The Opera' Motion Picture by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum 

Minnesota's POV. 

I grab the cheese curds and shove one in my mouth with a satisfied moan. Fitz gives me an amused look, but there seems to be something hidden underneath. 

He opens his wrapper and pulls out his delicious meaty burger. He grimaces when he see's eat. 

"Minn, this is meat" he tells me as he turns ashen. I pull mine out of it's wrapper and take a bite. He gives me a disturbed look. 

"Don't give me that look, you'll eat that no complaining. I ate your weird neon pink leaves, you'll eat my delicious meaty burger" I tell him with an upset mother look. You know the one. 

"Minn" he whines. I shot him a glare, he sighs before lifting it up to his mouth. He gives me a pleading look. I get impatient and push it into his mouth. His eyes go wide before he starts to chew. 

"Well?" I ask once he's done chewing. He has grease dripping down his chin. I take my pointer finger to grab the droplet and lick it off my finger. 

"Amazing" he says and takes another bite. I smirk before doing the same thing. 

We eat in silence for the next three minutes. 

"What are those?" he asks and points to my cheese curds. 

"Cheese curds, try one" I hold one out. Instead of grabbing it out of my fingers with his hands like I thought he would, he just took it in his mouth from my finger. His lips grazed my thumb and pointer finger causing me to blush. 

"Yum" he says and smirks at my flustered expression. I scoot the container over so we can both eat of it. 

Another two minutes go by with silence. He continues eating, but I've finished. And now I feel awkward. I start sing quietly.

"In sleep he sang to me 

In dreams he came 

That voice which calls to me 

And speaks my name 

And do I dream again? 

For now I find

The Phantom of the Opera is there 

Inside my mind 

Sing once again with me 

Our strange duet 

My power over you 

Grows stronger yet 

And though you turn from me 

To glance behind 

The Phantom of the Opera is there 

Inside your mind 

Those who have seen your face

Draw back in fear 

I am the mask you wear 

It's me they hear 

Your my spirit and my voice

In one combined 

The Phantom of the Opera" I sing. I change pitches to signify the changing of singers. 

"What song was that?" he asks me as he pushes his empty tray away. 

"A song from a musical called Phantom of the Opera" I tell him as I stand to take our trays to the trash. "You ready to go?" I ask when we get out the door.

"I guess" he mumbles, I just laugh. I grab his arm and focus on the warmth in my stomach. 

"Where'd you guys go?" Keefe asks as we appear out of no where in the kitchen of Fitz's house. Biana squeals as soon as we get there, we stood right in front of her. 

"My favorite fast food joint" I tell them as I rub my belly. I'm sucking in because I have a food baby, not that I'd let any one know. 

"Cool, well we're leaving. I'm tired from cleaning up Little Minn's mess" he says and gives me a head pat. 

"Hey! I'm not that short!" I say. He's not even that tall! Maybe like 5'6, but that's pushing it. "And don't call me that!" I yell after him before I hear him and Sophie leave, but not before letting out a laugh at my frustrations.

"I'm going to bed, night" Biana says and stumbles up the stairs groggily. I turn to Fitz who has sat up from the floor where he landed. 

"I'm never gonna get used to that" he laughs and rubs the back of his head. 

"Takes a little getting used to. The first time I did it, I flew into a tree and broke my foot. And the second I landed in the Gulf of Mexico" I tell him with a laugh. My parents almost killed me, they didn't find out I went to Mexico but I was gone for twenty six hours as the cops searched for me. I just wiped everyone's memory. It took a while, my parents got a lot of people involved.

"I went to Mexico once, brought back a shiny gold and silver coin I found in a gutter" he tells me as his eyes go glassy, most likely thinking of his trip. 

"Oh you found a Peso! I have a few of those at home from trips to Mexico, I went around much of the human world. We have to do that some time! See how fast we can visit every country!" I'm practically jumping up and down. He laughs and pulls me to the floor. 

"Sure, Love, sure" he tells me as I grin stupidly. "By the way, we got you your school supplies while you were out making friends" he tells me. Thankfully he doesn't have any malice in his voice unlike my brother and his girlfriend earlier. 

"Ok I'm tired. I'm going to bed" I yawn and stand up. 

"Want a guide to your bedroom?" he teases me. 

"No! I can find it!" I tell him as I walk up the long stair case. In all honesty I do, but I'm too prideful to admit it. I don't even know what floor I'm on. "FITZ?" I yell from the top of the stairs. 

"YEAH?" he yells back. 

"SHUT UP!" we hear Biana yell from wherever her room is. 

"SORRY! FITZ WHAT FLOOR AM I ON?" I scream one last time. Biana must hate me at the moment. 

"HOLD UP! HERE I COME!" he yells back and runs up the stairs. "So you need my help after all, huh?" he teased once more and sticks his hand out to ruffle my hair. Before he reaches my hair I bite his hand. 

Yep, you heard me right. I bit him. Not hard enough to bleed, but enough to hurt and get his attention. 

"Did you just-" he asks and stares at his hand in wonderment before snapping his gaze to me. "Your gonna regret that" he says with an evil grin. He charges me. 

I run down the halls and squeal as he chases me. I freeze the floor and start running again. I hear him slip in fall. I laugh loudly to annoy him. 

I finally find an unlocked room and I burst through the door. 

It's a bed room, and some one clearly lives in it. There's a empty mug on the desk, a hair brush on the bed side table, and an open book on the window shill. 

There's a large king size dark blue bed in the center of the room, I slide under it and make sure no one can see me. The second after I see two dark socked feet enter the room. 

"Minn, where are you" the voice, Fitz, drawls out. I have to hold in my laugh. "Come on out Minn, I won't do anything come on out" he tries to convince me. I stay right where I am. "Minn, Minn, Minn come one Little Girl. Come out" he says again and checks under the desk before checking his closet and bathroom.

He walks over to his bed and it fills me with anxiety. I hold my breath and he sits on the bed. He reaches for his blanket that fell off the bed right next to me. 

Shit, shit, shit. I really hope he doesn't see me. Thankfully he just grabs the blanket and doesn't look under the bed. 

"Fine, stay hidden. But that just means you'll be here until you show yourself" he says with a small laugh. 


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