Chapter 10.

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to @MarellasTwin 

P.S. If you need help with math homework, hit her up! 😘 

Minnesota POV. 

"Gisela Sencen? I'm sorry but that's such a weird name. Like are you sensing a gazelle?" I ask with a small giggle. I can only picture someone trying to read a gazelles mind. Which I can do, but it would look funny.

"Gisela Sencen? Like the Gisela Sencen?" Biana asks. All of them are ashen and practically have their jaws on the ground. Who is this woman and why is she such a big deal?

"Yes" Forkel says before turning his attention to me. I feel scrutinized under his intense gaze. I start to wiggle around on Fitz's lap. Which as soon as he puts his hands on my hips to stop me I realize it was a mistake. I can feel him poking into my stomach.

I look up at him and his eyes are closed tight. Shit I feel so bad. After a few minutes of silence I feel it start to go down. I look around and realize no one noticed what happened. Thank Jesus. 

"What?" I ask as they all turn to stare at me. "Ok this is creepy. Who the fuck is this gazelle and why does it matter?" I ask with a huff. Keefe walks up to me and sticks out his hand as if to have me shake it. 

"Hello, my name is Keefe Sencen" he says as I reaches for his hand. As soon as he stops talking my hand stops on its path. If my mother's last name was Sencen, that must mean we're related. Cousins perhaps? I can see the similarities. The small noses and the blond hair. Our eyebrows seem to have the same shape too, mine are just smaller. He's also kinda short, like me!

"What?" I ask. I turns my head to face Fitz, who has recovered. "Your telling me Mr. Grumpy Pants is my some how related to me?" I ask Spork, still not leaving Fitz's gaze. 

"He is your full twin brother it seems" Forkel ponders. He slumps down in his leather chair. "How did you end up this way?" he asks under his breath, but we are all still able to hear it. 

"I don't know, you tell me. You were the one in my head" I say with an eye roll. 

"That's what has me so concerned. You are a danger Miss Berk, to yourself to everyone. You are reckless and your powers do nothing to help that. But you also have a great heart and could be a great asset" Forkel says as he reaches under his desk. He pulls out a light pink tinted bottle before pouring it in a glass. It looks like a cross between wine and pink champagne. 

"Pff, I'm not reckless" I say with a sarcastic laugh. Fitz looks down at me with a look that says really? "Hey! You don't even know me! Don't judge!" I stick my tongue out at him. "Anyway, nice to meet you Keefe. My brother" I say cautiously. 

"It's really late you guys, should we head home?" Biana asks in the awkward silence, thank the Lord she said something. I was about to start singing again. 

"That would be best. Fitz, Biana take Miss Berk with you. I'll talk to Cassius about your living arrangement" Forkel tells me. Keefe abruptly stands up. 

"She's not living with him! He's a monster!" he says enraged. 

"Does he beat you?" I ask him with my eyebrows raised. 


"Is he emotionally abusive?" 


"Is he controlling?" 

"Not particularly"

"Does he pay for schooling?" 


"Then I can handle him"  I tell my brother. As long as he doesn't hit me and pays for my schooling, I'll be just fine. "Anyway, we should be off, I'm tired" I say as I lean back in the chair making Fitz have to stand up to catch me. When were standing I pull him close and all but lay limp against his chest.

"Umm-Minn?" he asks me. I cannot put into words how much I love to hear my name and nick name on his lips. It flows off them like a babbling brock.

"Tired" I groan. "Take me home" I say as I lean into him even further, if that's even possible. 

"Ok. jump" I'm too tired to think, I just jump. He catches me by the back of my thighs and I wrap my legs around his waist. I snuggle my neck into the croak of his neck. I'm glad his little, believe me it wasn't, situation calmed down before this. 

"Yeah cause that doesn't look bad" Biana mumbles. I don't bother looking up. 

"Put my sister down Fitz, that looks really wrong" Keefe says. I wave my hand at him dismissively as Fitz laughs. It sends vibrations through my body.

"As much as I support you going to bed Miss Berk, didn't you want to pick your things up from your house?" Forkel asks. I jump from Fitz's arms with energy that popped out of nowhere. 

"Yeah!" I say with a wide grin. "LET'S GO!" I yell as I grab Fitz's arm. 

"Wait! I want to come!" Keefe says as he runs up to us, Biana and Sophie a second behind. "Are jumping out the window?" he asks. 

"No, I just did that for a show" I shrug. 

"Of course you did" Fitz groans. I just giggle in reply. 

"So, we have to run?" Keefe asks me. What he hell is he talking about? 

"No" I say sarcastically as I grab his arm and Biana links hers around my other arm. Fitz wraps his arms around my waist and rest his head against my neck. I can feel his hot breath on my ear. i shiver. 

"Ok is my sarcasm this hard to understand or is it just her?" Keefe asks everyone else. I just roll my eyes. 

"Blondie? You coming or not?" I ask Sophie as she stands there awkwardly. She grabs my fore arm next to Keefe. 

I focus on the warmth in my stomach as it starts to spread-

"What is she doing?" Keefe whisper hiss's to Fitz. 

"Well she was about to teleport us out of here!" I snap at him as Fitz tries to hold in his laughter. "Quiet, even you" I tell him as I turn my head to give him a pointed look. 

I find the warmth again. I focus on it as it spreads to my limbs. I think of my room. I feel the static and CRACK! 

I land on my feet on my bed room floor. Unlike the rest of my companions. Fitz lands on his butt as well as Sophie. But poor Biana landed on her side and Keefe fell on his face. 

"MINN! YOU OK?" I hear my mom yell. 

"YEP! JUST FELL WHEN I WAS REACHING FOR MY PHONE!" I yell back. I grab it and turn on some music that way I don't seem suspicious. I always have music playing, so it's not unexpected.

Love Is Gone by SLANDER and Dylan Matthew starts playing. I hum along as I search my messy closet for my duffel bag. 

Everyone sits on my bed as I start to pack. I pack some underwear, bras, and socks before I move onto my make up which is a must. I pack every piece of makeup I own. 

Next I pack all my photos and my stuffed bear, Mr. Smiley. I pack my glasses and contact solution at the top before I add the final items. 

My new paint brushes and favorite paints. 

"Ready" I say as I hitch the bag on my shoulder. Fitz takes it from me and holds it as soon as it gets to its destination. "Oh wait I have to talk to my sister!" I say as I whip back around. Little did I know she was already leaning on the door way. 

"Don't worry I already know. Tell Forkel I'll meet him on Tuesday out side of Slurps and Burps" she says before she turns away. "Oh and Minnesota? I'll see you soon" she says before she leaves, closing the door on her way out.

"Ok so that happened" I say awkwardly. After a minute I open mouth, about to start singing. 

"Don't start singing" Keefe says abruptly. "You ready to go?" he asks as he grabs my arm. I nod my head. They all get in the same positions as before. 

I focus on the warmth before I teleport us back to the office. 

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