Chapter 19.

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Can't Stop Singing- From "Teen Beach Movie"/Soundtrack Version by Ross Lynch, Maia Mitchell 

Minnesota POV. 

The sun shines in my eyes and I roll over with a groan. My head falls on something smooth and warm, I snuggle in closer as I wrap my arms around the thing. It just emanates heat, which is nice in the mornings. Like is it just me or is the mornings as soon as you wake up suddenly in the negative fifties? Or is  that just me?

I hear and feel from underneath me a low  chuckle, I open my right eye, which is the one lying closest to the heat source. Turns out that heat source is a pale chest. Fitz's chest.

As soon as he catches my gaze I blush as he looks unfazed. 

"Shit, sorry" I squeak and try to roll off him. He grabs my waist and holds onto me. 

"Too early" he mumbles and closes his eyes, his arms still wrapped around my waist. I giggle and snuggle in closer, might as well right? This could be my one chance. 

"Umm, I don't want to know what you guys did last night, but the Sencen's are here for Minnesota" I hear from the door way. I turn my head which is still cemented on Fitz's chest and I see Biana standing there with her face scrunched in disgust.  

"I swear we didn't do anything!" I say frantically and lift myself off Fitz who groans in protest. "Shut it you" I tell him and stand up to run to his mirror, making sure I look some what decent. "I hate you" I mumble to him, he just laughs from his bed where he hugs the warm pillow I was using. 

"Come back to bed" he mumbles into it. I am very tempted, but I have to go and meet my father. Fun. 

"Can't. My dad and Keefe are here to pick me up" I tell him. He lifts his head up slightly so he can make eye contact. Those pretty sparkling teal eyes meet mine. I could look into them for forever.

"Want me to come?" he asks. 

"Nah, I'm ok thanks" And I really was. This guy wasn't gonna change anything. He may have given me life, but my father is Fintan. 

I know, I know. He tortured me, he's evil, he tried to kill me. But guys think about it, he was the only person who cared and took care of me during my time with my mother. No matter what, he would always be my father. No matter where life took me, he was the man that raised me. 

I may not have his looks, but I have some of his... better qualities. I have his humor, and his intelligence. I have his thirst for knowledge and his love of savory foods. His tolerance to pain and ability to hide my emotions when needed. 

"Well, good luck" he says sarcastically and places his head back in the pillow, still looking at me. I give him an exaggerated salute and he laughs. We stand there for a minute just smiling at each other like idiots. 

"MINNESOTA! I'VE GOT MY NAILS TO PAINT! HURRY UP!" I hear Ro yell from downstairs. I jump at the loud yell and Fitz and I's staring session is cut short. 

"See ya" I say quickly before running down the hall to the stairs. I make a U-turn and grab my bag from my room.

"DON'T GET LOST!" he yells as I run past his room again. He's never gonna let me live this down, is he?

"SHUT UP!" I laugh. 

I finally reach the stairs and I'm huffing and puffing. A man with greasy slicked back hair walks over. He carries a cane and has a rich expensive suit on his long bean stock build. His light blue eyes pierce mine and only one word pops in my head when we meet eye contact. 

"Luscious Malfoy" I say out loud with out thinking. 

"What?" Keefe asks from behind him. They look so similar, we all do really. 

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