Chapter 3.

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to Captain15122010 Go check her out! ❤️

Minnesota POV. 

I wake up with the same migraine I fell asleep too, but that's usual. I turn over on my bed to look for my phone and end up rolling off the bed entirely. 

"Fuck" I hiss as I sit up rubbing my now throbbing elbow. I finally find my phone and shut off the annoying alarm. I wish I had an android. They have nice, soft alarms. Not blaring sirens like mine. 

I switch on my playlist and I Lived It Twice by Rachel Grae pops on. I hum the song as I start my make up, mind you I'm still on the ground. 

I start with some eyeliner to make my green eyes pop and decide to add wings to the eyeliner today. Next I curl my long translucent eyelashes and add some mascara, then add the much needed concealer to the under side of my eyes where the bags rest. And last but not least I add blush to my cheeks and my nose. I rush to the bathroom and brush my teeth so hard I almost throw up.

I decide to leave my blond air down for today, but not before I straighten it to make sure it doesn't frizz up. 

"MINNESOTA! YOUR GONNA BE LATE!" I hear my mom yell from down stairs. She's not really my mom, but I hate my real mother.

My real mother was a psychotic bitch. She tortured me for hours on end, experimented on me as if I was a guinea pig. But the social workers don't really know that, and trust me I'm okay with that. 

I slip on a dark green skirt and long black shirt. It was August in Minnesota, where I live, so it's warm enough to be able to wear a skirt, but not warm enough to not wear some kind of warmth. And before you say it yes my name is Minnesota and I live in Minnesota. Real comical I know. If you can't tell I was being sarcastic. 

Before I head out the door I lift up my hand and my bag and flute case fly towards it. Then I step forward and think of the entrance to my kitchen. There's a small crackle and then I'm there.  

These are a few of my many magic powers, well that's what I call them. I mean, what else am I supposed to call them? This kind of stuff only happens in sci-fi book's and tv shows. Oh by the way, Sci-fi is the best!

"Finally Minne! Eat your breakfast, it's on the counter" my dad sighs. He's not really my dad, as you probably guessed, but I've never met my real father. I was adopted when I was eight, but that still gave me way too many painful memories with my mother.

I rush to the counter and inhale my fried eggs. I kiss my sister, Tanya, on her head, hug my dad, and shout a 'Bye!' to my mom. I'm half way to the school bus when I realize I'm bear foot. Well, too late now. I'll just teleport when I get to school. 

At last I arrive at hell. Well, Manchester High School. But it's hell all the same. I rush to the girls bathroom as people laugh and point at my bear, cold feet. Childish little bastards. As soon as I get to a stall I slam the door and focus. 

I feel the warmth from my chest travel to my head, arms, legs, and feet. Then I picture my room and step through. 

I look around, making sure no one is out, and step out of my closet. I silently move my small feet against the cold tile towards my dresser. I look through it and find no socks, then I check the pile on my bed. I find a dark long purple sock with white stairs and a short neon yellow one with zig zaggy lines. 

What ever it's socks. I teleport back to the stall and, thankfully, it's empty. I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink, pretending I went to the bathroom. I get over to the sink and their are girls snorting crack on the counter. Damn it. 

I walk out not caring what they think. They're probably to high to notice anyway. As I walk to my locker I run into Silvia, my best friend. 

She has frizzy brown hair and liquid silver colored eyes. She's five foot eleven, she towers over me. But that really isn't saying much. Most people, other than toddlers, tower over me.

"Hey!" she greets and pulls me into a hug. She's a very physical touch kind of person. But I don't mind, cause I am too. "What's going on with...that?" she asks, trying to suppress a laugh. 

"I couldn't find my socks" I grumble. 

"Again? I swear you'd lose your head if you didn't have it attached to your shoulders!" she lets out a laugh. I roll my eyes, but my lips play host to a smile. "Anyway, we have a science test! And class starts in two minutes!" she says as she runs and drags me by my arm behind her. 

"GAH! SILVIA I'M GONNA TRIP!" I squeal as I fight for my non existent balance. My shoes squeak on the floor and I go flying into the lockers, just a foot from our class room. I try to stop but just end up twirling around with my back to the lockers. 

The back of my head hits the locker with a DING! Like a bell. The class rooms go silent and the teachers walk out. They find me sitting against the lockers as I rub the back of my head as I laugh hysterically. 

The teachers and my best friend look at me as if I'm a maniac. I don't know why I do this. Anytime I get hurt I laugh like a creepy possessed doll. 

They cautiously walk towards me, as if I'm some wild animal. I can't have people talking about this, can't have them talking about me. If I do, sooner or later people will find out about what I can do. And then I'll be another lab experiment, just like I was to my mother. 

I focus on the warmth from my stomach and it spreads. I hear a snap and everyone and thing stops. The clocks don't tick, the people don't move. Like they are stuck in corn syrup. I get up and feel the back of my head for blood. Their isn't any, just a goose egg sized bump. 

I grab the teachers arms and lead them back into their class rooms before I let them go I enter their minds and remove the memory. They follow like zombies, next I grab my best friend and lead her into her chair in science. I take my seat and focus the warmth. SNAP! And everyone carried on as if nothing happened, because to them it didn't.  

I'm betting your wondering what that was. And before you ask, no it's not a time stoper. It just stops movement from things in the place I'm in. It's very exhausting. 

I focus on my test and make sure I get a B+. I've always been smarter than everyone else, even adults. But I know it would be troublesome if people found out, so I keep it to myself. 

At last school is over. I'm waiting by the bus stop and notice a woman there, staring at me. After a few minutes of her just staring at me, with out her knowing I know, I unclog my brain and focus on peoples thoughts. 

I hope my mom doesn't know I forgot to feed the dog this morning...

He better not tell her I cheated on her. But Alaina sucks in bed! So it doesn't really count... 

I wish it wasn't illegal to sleep with minors, they all seem so eager... 


Shit I left my dildo on my dresser, my sister better not snoop in my room...

I can't wait for this day to be over...

Come on! Stupid car! Just start! I have to get to work!...

I wish Jed would notice me...

I hope Amy doesn't know I slept with Tom, she'd kill me! Ugh I'm her best friend! What are you doing with your life, Alaina?...

But nothing from the mysterious auburn haired lady. Strange. I hop on the bus without another thought of the lady. 

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