Chapter 14

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A/N HOW IS THERE 400 READS???? I'M FLABERGHASTED!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Have a great week lovelies! 😘

-Livvy Girl 

Pocketful of Poetry by Mindy Gledhill 

Minnesota POV. 

Once I finish up the song I look over at Fitz and he's smiling at me. 

"What?" I giggle. I can feel the blush flaming my cheeks already. I think I may be half flamingo. 

"Nothing" he says back with a small laugh. I lift one of my eyebrows with suspicion. "Your just cute" he says. He reaches his hand over and ruffles my hair. I smack his hand away and give off a Humph. I cross my arms and turn away in fake anger and pettiness. "Aw, come back" he says as he reaches for me and pulls me to his chest. 

I giggle before I realize his family is starring at us. I jump out of his arms and shove the weird looking hot pink lettuce in my mouth. My eyes go wide. It taste like a cinnamon bun, with extra icing. 

"The fuck is this?" I ask flabbergasted as I shove another bite in my mouth. I moan under my breath. This is probably the best food I've ever had, besides a cookie in a mug. Those just hit different. 

"Twisted Roots" he  tells me as I shovel even more into my mouth. 

"H-how?" I ask with wide eyes. 

"How?" he asks again. At this point everyone at the table is laughing like lunatics. But I couldn't care less, this is heavenly. 

"How is this so good?" I moan as I take another bite. A seconds later my plate is clean and spotless. I look over to Fitz's plate which he hasn't touched. I give him a pleading look. 

"Fine" he sighs and pushes it over to me. I squeal and kiss his cheek before I dig in to his plate. In a matter of seconds his entire plate is clear and shiny. I lean back in my seat and put my hands on my stomach with a content sigh. 

"So Minnesota, what's the human world like for you?" Fitz father asks a few minutes later one everyone else had finished eating. 

"Pretty normal I guess. I just try and fit in" I say with a small shrug. Fitz gives me a strange look. 

"Wait so like, you aren't in a really high grade and are a bit of an outcast?" Biana asks. 

"Geez just because I'm a  bit... special doesn't mean I don't have friends" I say with an eye roll. "And no I'm not. I make sure I get a B+ average" I tell them.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Biana promises as her eyes grow wide. "It's just that's how Sophie was" she tells me. 

"Why does every one keep comparing me to her? You do realize we are different people, right?" I ask as I lift my right eye brow. 

"We do" Fitz says as he takes my hand under the table. His fingers wrap around mine flawlessly. His giant hand envelops my small one. As I look up at him in shock his thumb starts caressing the back of my hand. "It's just a bit strange for us is all. We thought Sophie would be the only person with a past like this. Well, kind of like this. We just want to understand" he says sweetly. 

Dear God. I think my face is about to explode in flames. What is this boy doing to me? I give a small meek smile at his words. 

"Ok" I say quietly. He smiles back at me. I relax my hand in his. 

"Why are you two holding hands?" I hear from the door way. 

I turn and see Sophie and my brother standing there.

"It's called comforting" I tell him as Fitz tried to retract his hand. I grip it harder. I don't know what has gotten into me. "Anyway, what are you guys doing here?" I ask. They didn't say they were dropping by today. But maybe it's different among elves. 

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