Chapter 15.

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The Wish by Mindy Gledhill

Fitz POV. 

We get to the rocks at the entrance of Atlantis and Minnesota is having the time of her life. She's been spinning on wet rocks and hanging from tall dead trees. 

She walks over to the ocean and slips off her shoes and socks. Then she starts wadding in, shivering. 

"What are you doing?" I ask her as I get close to her as I can and still stay dry. She lifts her dress up to her thighs and wades in deeper. Everyone stops once they realize she's not with us.

"You only live once right? And even though I've been told elves have longer life spans I'd still like to experience every moment in the most fun, crazy, and outstanding way I can. Cause we may live forever, but not everything does. Like one day this ocean could be gone, or polluted by humans and I'll never be able to do this again. Or it'll be a story for my future kids" she says the last part quietly. 

I look at her in awe. She is sunshine in an earthly form. The soft words she speaks, her blond hair looking like gold in the sun, her pale skin reflecting off the water, her content smile. Fuck it, I'm going in.

I hitch my pants up as far as they'll go and I slip my shoes and socks off. I take off my sweater and hang it on a dead tree branch so it doesn't get wet. Finally I slide my feet into the cold muddy ground before I step into the freezing water. An ice cube would freeze in this water. I shiver as I walk over to her. 

She looks back at me and gives me a huge smile. The cold is worth it. 

"Come on!" she exclaims as she drags my arm into the water further. My pants get wet, but I can tell she wants to go deeper by the way she stretches her body closer to the rolling waves. I grab her and make her sit on my back in a piggy back style. 

She squeals as I walk deeper. She kicks her legs happily in the water, splashing me but I couldn't care less. She hands slink into my hair and lightly grab it to steady herself. I look out of my peripheral and see her rest her chin on my shoulder. 

By this point I'm waist deep holding her above the cold water. She wraps an arm around my chest and gives me a hug. She's warm, unlike me. 

"GUY'S COME BACK! WE GOTTA GO!" I hear Keefe yell from the shore. Great. I roll my eyes and turn my body around to start treading back. 

"Aww" Minnesota complains. She kicks her legs more, seeming to try and remember the feel of it. 

"Don't worry, we'll find something else just as fun, crazy, and outstanding thing to do" I assure her. 

We finally get back shore and she's shivering nonstop. I slip my shoes back on and put my socks into my pocket. I grab Minnesota's shoes and hold them as she protests. I walk over to the tree and grab my sweater before slip it over her head. 

"Thanks, but I think you need this more than me" she says as she tries to take it off. I don't answer, I just lean down a little before I place an arm on the back of her knee and the other on her back. "What are you doing?" she asks as she looks down at me. Once again I don't answer. I just push her so she falls into my arms. I stand back up and hold her bridal style. 

"Guy's I'm loving all the romantic teen stuff, but I don't want to be shopping for longer than I need to be" Ro says. I look down at Minnesota and she's as red as Mr. Snuggles. Her attention focuses on Keefe as soon as he opens the box to take out a bottled tornado. 

"Woah, what is that?" she asks breathlessly. Her green eyes are wide and a little glassy. 

"A bottled tornado" Sophie tells her as she glares at my arm around her back. I hug her to my chest tighter. 

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