Chapter 13.

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you were good to me by Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler 

Fitz POV. 

I walk out of her room mentally scolding myself. 

I should have knocked before I opened her door, God she must hate me now! I walked in and she was shirtless. And to make matters worse my friend in my pants found it very attractive. 

She must think I'm a pervert. Good going Fitz. 

I walk over to my bed and face plant on it. I groan and roll my face into the pillow. 

Hey Fitz, Keefe was wondering if he could come over today and see his sister I hear in my head. Sophie. I used to love hearing her voice in my head, but now I'm not as much as a fan. She used to be sweet and cute to me. I sigh. 

Sure, I'll let her know during breakfast I reply without any emotions. 

Great! I'll let him know! she transmits back. 

I realize I've been trash talking Sophie to you. And I don't hate her, she deserves all the happiness in the world. It's just I'm still a little hurt that I told her I still liked her and wanted to try again and she goes and kisses my best friend, who I just started becoming on good terms with. To make matters worse she expects me to forget about and be fine. 

Plus this time apart from her has shown me a few things I've never seen before. 

She get's upset when she isn't allowed to plan or partake in a mission, but when she is she acts irrationally and if it doesn't work out exactly she blames it on other people and throws a hissy fit. And she's a tad bit boring, not like my girl. 

My girl? I need to see a therapist. I literally met this girl yesterday and I'm already talking about her as if we're dating. 

If we were dating I would be able to see her boobs any time I like...

And now I need a cold shower. Great. 

Fitz? I hear in my head. At first I think it's Sophie and she forgot to tell me something. 

Sophie? I ask irritably.

Nope I hear the voice say. She sounds sad and disappointed. That's when I recognize the voice. My green eyed blond. 

She mentioned she was a telepath, but I didn't think she was this good to be able to find my mind and transmit to me on her first try.

Minn? I use her nick name hoping it might cheer her up. 

Yep! she replies back cheerfully. It sounded fake. Now I feel like an ass. 

Oh hey! What's up? I ask hoping to change her attitude. I feel so bad that I hurt her. 

So, uh. I kinda got lost in your big fancy house? she says, more like asks, with a embarrassed laugh. I grin. She's super adorable. 

Ha! I laugh softly trying not to upset her. Give me a key thing in your surroundings. I know this house like the back of my hand, I'll be able to find her easy peasy.  

There's a white vase with small purple flowers painted on it. It's holding a branch of dead leaves she tells me after a second. 

She's on the third floor, sixth corridor. By the room full of mirrors. But the door is usually kept locked. 

Oh I know what your talking about! I'll be there in a minute! I tell her cheerfully. Hopefully she's not worried. 

I start running down the stairs before I almost collide with Biana. 

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