The Search

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I woke up, and the sheets under me were completely soaked. For a second, I thought I had peed the bed. Since I was still sweating from every inch of my skin, I knew that wasn't the problem. It was not the first time I had night sweats, but this was a little extreme. This was more like a couple of weeks ago. Was that possible? Did I have whatever breeder's poison is again? How the hell would that even happen? I only came home.

Rolling out of bed, I went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I saw my skin flushed and my pupils dilated. I reached for the medicine cabinet and grabbed the thermometer. It read 103.9, which was high enough to be worried. Next to where I found the thermometer was a bottle of acetaminophen, and I took two before turning on the cold water to fill the bathtub. Stripped of my clothes, I climbed in to try and cool off.

Why was this happening again? All that was in my head before, right? Medicine was back in my veins. Kassandra was gone. So were my new voices, Wyatt and Felix. It must be a hallucination. Maybe the medicine hasn't kicked in enough yet. Until it does I'll stay in the tub and hope I don't get hypothermia.

'Kassandra?' I called out but got no answer. 'Wyatt?'

Nope. That part wasn't real. The less fun part of having a high fever that was real is that it is potentially dangerous. I must be sick. I gave myself an hour to get the fever down, and I would head to the hospital.

Using my hands as a cup, I poured water over myself, and my hand brushed the tattoo on my neck, increasing my temperature even more. My mind flashed to Wyatt. His body was on top of me. His lips on my neck and the way he touched me... I couldn't help but touch myself at the memory. The need was incredible. Wyatt turned into my mystery man from the other night. How expertly he touched everywhere on my body, never once unsure. His tongue plunging deep inside of me, his cum leaking from me. When I reached my breaking point, I cried out. It helped. I felt calmer, and the heat in my body improved.

I climbed out of my tub and wrapped myself in a towel before returning to the kitchen. My glass of wine was still there, half empty. The card Josh gave me with the wine was sitting there. I never actually read it. I ripped it open, and it said, "So we can have a good time. See you soon." Huh. No happy birthday, which felt weird, but whatever. Josh was always a peculiar guy, but I thought he meant well. I downed what was left in the glass before I poured myself a second one cause why not? I was up anyway, and it was the middle of the night.

Glass in hand, I went to stand, but every nerve in my body started to produce only pain. I collapsed, glass shattering everywhere and wine staining my towel. Very faintly, I heard Kassandra. 'It's the wine. The poison.'


'Don't worry. Mate can find us. He will come.'

"I don't need him here. He doesn't want us." Tears stung my eyes. I missed him and did hope he would come. Leaving was a mistake, even given what he had done. My current situation proved how right he was. Someone was after me, and I was unprotected here. If Kassandra was right, even my apartment was dangerous.

'He will come.' She insisted.

I reached up to grab my phone, which was on the table. Staring at the screen, I couldn't decide who to call. Wyatt? Hadley? Josh? Uncle Greg? Grandmother? Mom?

If Wyatt were real, he would pick up the phone. The phone call would be my test. I dialed the number and listened to it ring. Once, twice- "Valkyrie?" The voice was firm yet scared. Then I heard someone trying to get into my apartment.

"Someone is here," I whispered. "I can't get up." This felt different. I was paralyzed.

"Tell me where you are." He begged.

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