The Cowardly Pack

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I spent most of the following week working with Anthony and Steven on the evacuation plans. Wyatt refused to help, bringing down the effort's vibe, but we powered through.

We enlisted Harold, Richard, and Bryan as evacuation assembly points. Every house was given a number, which was correlated to the pack they would go to. Cars were also marked so everyone knew exactly where to go. Lists were put together of those who would leave and who would stay.

We also set up more mandatory training. Everyone who was an adult would get some defense training regardless of rank or gender. Any wolf over eighteen was allowed to do additional warrior training if they wanted to. There would be a test that they needed to pass to become an official warrior, but training was a start. About fifty wolves were added to the training and would be given a patrol assignment if training went well. The patrol leads would be the judge if they were ready or not. Anthony, Gavin, and Jason were the chosen leads.

A few of the sixteen-year-olds who shifted prematurely wanted to train as well. They did really well helping me protect the younger pups. I decided they could be part of a junior program. They couldn't become warriors right away, but it didn't hurt for them to learn early. The even younger pups would be given martial arts training if they wanted to participate. I signed up to teach both groups.

Anthony ordered guns and other weapons and developed training plans for each type. A safe was installed in each safe room, and anyone who passed the safety tests could have the weapons in their homes.

Basically, we turned the entire pack into an army and had a plan for that army to retreat if needed. I thought it was crucial but hated that it was required.

We had the final report together and dropped it on Wyatt's desk. He paged through it and shrugged.

"That's it?" I was hurt. We spent all week setting this up, and he seemed utterly disinterested.

"Val, you should be planning parties, not how to turn the entire pack into an army." My blood boiled at his comment.

"Are we really back to the whole lunas don't do that thing? No one will be forced to fight, but everyone will be able to defend themselves. If we get attacked again, we need this. You know I'm right on this—that Anthony and Steven are."

"I do not need pups and she-wolves protecting the pack, Val. If we have come to that, we need stronger males."

"Nothing in here proposes that. We are trying to prevent people from being trapped in their homes and having no way to escape. Like Penny and I were? I'm not the only she-wolf who is pregnant here or has pups. They need to be able to do something other than die!" This man's pride was going to get us all slaughtered.

"Val, I know you don't understand how packs work, but-"

"I don't understand how packs work!? That's all you have to say about it!? You didn't even fucking read it!"

"Fine. I will, but later. I'm busy."

"Busy? Too busy to even consider an alternative to waiting here to be killed!?" What was wrong with him? How was someone like him, even my mate? Not only did he seem fine if everyone in the pack died, but he didn't even love me enough to look at the work I did. Even if it was worthless, he should at least care enough to look at it.


"I didn't come up with it alone, you know. Anthony and Steven helped me. So you are also saying they don't understand how things work." I reminded him.

"Neither of them are alphas. So, no, they don't." He said, and that's when I lost it. I literally flipped the table and stormed off.


Even if Wyatt ignored my report, I had everyone move forward with training. If Wyatt refused to let anyone leave, at least they would know how to use the weapons we are providing. All the warriors were expected to take shooting training this morning. It shocked me how terrible they were.

"I do not see the point of this!" Mike yelled at me. "I'm not going to use a gun. Wolves don't fight this way."

"Isn't that exactly why you should? It gives you an advantage. Plus, you are learning, so you can all teach everyone else. In general, this won't be an everyday thing." I told him and thrust a clip in his hand. "Do you want your mates to be able to defend themselves or not?"

"I will defend them!" he roared at me. The egos of these wolves were obnoxious and short-sighted.

"And when you can't? When are you completely surrounded or, worse, not here? When you are all fucking dead, what do they do? Become sex slaves to other packs?" He brought back his fist, preparing to punch me, when Steven grabbed it.

"Bad idea. Go fucking practice, Mike, before I kill you."

"I was handling it, you know." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I hate that guy." He shook his head. "And I don't trust him."

"Steven, I trust very few people here, but it's my fault they are all plotting." I scanned the field and realized all the warriors were questionable at this point, except Jason and a few of the newer ones.

"If it wasn't you, Luna, it would be something else. As my mate would say, wolves are awful." I laughed at that.

"I very much like her."

"I do, too. She's refreshing that way." He held out on a gun to me. "Keep it close, Luna."

"I have the one in my room." I reminded him.

"Never hurts to have a second. Sometimes, the clip runs out." He winked at me, which made me have to contain a giggle.

"Just make sure everyone here can defend themselves. There are no more excuses for this pack's lazy, nonchalant views."

"Of course, Luna," he said with a smile. I watched him go, barking orders at all of them. It was apparent they were frustrated and not interested in any changes, but life made those decisions for them. I have found it usually happens that way.

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