Someone is Hurting Mama!

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"With Mom. He's been with us since yesterday." I ran up the stairs to my parents' room. Not bothering to knock, I barged in. My mother was trying to catch my son, who had shifted and was running in circles, bashing himself against the walls. For a second, I thought he was definitely my son. I pounded my fist into the wall until it bled. I was fighting with Anthony. He was doing the same thing in any way he could.

"Fuck!" I shouted, and my mother was crying.

"Wyatt, he won't stop." She was backed into a corner, watching, completely at a loss. We weren't used to young pups shifting, and he had no way to control it. And since his wolf body was stronger, he really liked it when stressed out.

'Tobias, I'm here. Come to Daddy.'

'Mama!' He shrieked. 'Someone is hurting Mama!'

'I know, Buddy. I'm going to find Mama.' He stopped and limped over to me, whimpering with each step. He was bleeding from his side, and his leg was at a slightly wrong angle.

So I went over to him to pick him up and held his tiny wolf body to my chest. 'It's going to be okay. I promise.' I petted his fur and ended by scruffing him. It calmed him down. 'Shift back for Daddy.'

'No. I need to find Mama.' He bit my face, drawing blood, but I didn't let him go.

'I need you to be strong and stay with Grandma. If I don't go with Uncle Anthony, I can't find Mama.' I hadn't realized that Anthony followed me until he reached out and petted him as well as if to tell him it would be okay. Guess he was over the fight. I was, as well. There wasn't time for me to be angry. Anthony petting him brought them both some calm. I couldn't be upset about that. We needed all the calm he could get.

'Daddy... Uncle Anthony... they are hurting Mama.' I don't know how he felt that, and I hated how he did it. But, there was nothing normal about my son. Since Kassandra believes he only has one soul, that he has some hybrid human-wolf soul, it made some sense that his development was mixed. But having a pup still in diapers, running around shifting was more challenging to control than an angry teenager. And none of that explained why Tobias felt when Val was hurting.

'I know-' The pain brought me to my knees, and Tobias screamed so loud I think it went through the entire pack's link. I lost my hold on his neck, but I didn't drop him. He clung to me with his claws dug deep into my chest. I felt my shirt getting wet from his tears and my blood. Anthony bent down and hugged us both, still petting Tobias.

'Mom, get the doctor. I need him shifted back and to be sedated.' She rushed from the room. Anthony let us go to make space for whenever the doctor got there.

While we waited, I rubbed my face on his, and he sadly licked my cheek. 'I know, Tobias.' I said softly. 'It's going to be okay. I promise. I won't stop till I find her.'

Distracted by my soothing words, the doctor was able to enter the room and inject him with something that forced him to shift back. I could feel his warm skin against mine, and it brought me to tears. "Shh... Just sleep now." The second injection basically put him in a coma. I felt him go limp, and he was breathing at a very regular pace. I kissed his head and reluctantly gave him to my mother.

"Keep him out for now," I instructed the doctor.

"Wyatt, what exactly is the plan?" My mother asked.

"I'm going to go and rip apart whoever dared to touch my mate. In the meantime, you don't leave his side. And where the fuck is Gale?"

"Here!" She came up behind me and grabbed Tobias out of my mother's arms. "I'll stay with him. I think Val would want me to." She was right. My sister was a good warrior, but Tobias needed her more.

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