Sometime Alone

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A couple weeks passed, and everything in the pack slowly returned to normal. The parents obviously were still grieving, and I held some support sessions for them. Basically, we looked at pictures and cried until those tears turned into sad laughing. I wasn't a therapist, but I thought getting together like that helped them. While I didn't relate directly, they were all my pups. Losing them would haunt me till the day I died. Showing my support and giving them that space seemed to make a world of difference for them. I would be lying if I said it didn't help me, too.

One night after one of these sessions, Wyatt was working late. I finally felt it. My heat was back. 'Really Kassandra? Does this ever stop?'

'I... I don't know.' She whined. That said, I didn't want another pup. I didn't want to watch my pup get killed in some battle because we couldn't keep them safe. After finding Gale, I begged her to take Tobias until I returned. She was okay with it but said I owed her a girl's shopping trip and spa day. Seemed fair enough. She added that she could spend as much of her brother's money as she wanted without him complaining, which meant I would need to take the heat for it. No pun intended.

When I entered the safe house, the woman there looked at me. "Luna?"

"Just... Don't tell anyone I'm here. Please."

"I would never. I don't talk about anyone being here. Is Alpha going to come?" She asked me and blushed a bit at the question. I didn't blame her. She basically asked if my mate was coming to fuck me. I'd blush a bit too.

"No." I started to go upstairs, and she grabbed my arm.

"Are things okay? My discretion extends to anything you tell me. If he's hurting you, we can help. You don't have to do it alone." Her smile was sweet and genuine. It reminded me how people here did care about me. When this was over and enough time had passed, I had to throw an event for everyone.

"I'm not ready after what happened." I didn't want to tell her the truth. I didn't ever want to do this again. For some reason, having another pup with Wyatt felt wrong. It was like some premonition that something awful would happen if I did. It didn't make sense, but it was how I felt.

'Val, this is a terrible idea.' Kassandra pleaded with me to call him.

'You made me live in a shitty cabin for three months with Tobias, and my not wanting to get pregnant right now is a problem to you?'

'We could die,' she whispered, covering her face with her paws. 'You know that, right?'

'Then we die.' I shrugged, not concerned, as I walked up the stairs. This might not work, but I had to try. It only took as long as the door closing behind me to feel the heat rising in my body. It was going to be a very long few days.


I did everything I could to avoid Val. Eventually, I would fail, but I felt I couldn't look at her until I could tell her who did this.

'We won't figure it out.' Xander huffed.

'Thanks for the vote of confidence.' I grumbled, but I was convinced we wouldn't either.

'We need them to attack again. To bait them.' He suggested.

'Bait them with that exactly?'

'You won't like my answer.'

'Oh, the woman you constantly tell me is our mate you want to use as bait?' I was putting that onto Xander, but I couldn't stand the idea myself. I had the same thought about her, and even if I didn't, it was a shit thing to do.

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