You Repulse My Wolf

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Why was Val suddenly so obsessed with the idea of me finding my mate? Did she know something? Feel something? Or am I being paranoid? All of those things could be true. I was too drunk to answer my own questions.

I sat there staring at the nonsense around me. I had long since given up trying to be polite and was drinking straight from the wine bottle I stole from behind the bar. We all knew I was going to finish it anyway.

"Man. Always classing up the joint, Brother." Richard patted me on the back and took the bottle from me to take a drink. I stole it back.

"Are you having fun?" I asked him with an annoyed smile.

"No. Not in the least. Lissa made me come."

"Did she get more work done?" I studied Lissa in her overly sexy lace dress. Her boobs looked much bigger than I remembered, but it could be that I was drunk.

"I guess. I don't really notice it anymore." He waved a hand at her, but I saw that there was pain he was hiding.

"You don't notice?" He met my eyes and took another drink.

"She does it so much. It's her way of saying fuck you. Charging up my credit card with bills from her plastic surgeon."

"You mean our credit cards." I reminded him.

"If I tell her to stop, she will just be annoyed."

"You mean she'll make a bigger deal of you fucking other she-wolves?" Did he not realize it made sense for her to be annoyed? He caused her immense amounts of pain regularly and didn't appear to care.

"Same thing." He took the bottle from me and drank almost a glass of wine's worth before returning it. "Isn't my happiness priceless to you?"

"No. I can put an exact price on it if I get the credit card statements."

"Fine. Well, when you find your mate, and she is annoyed with your she-wolf habit, I will make sure I give you the same amount of shit about the bill that comes in for it." Since my little brother never bothered to look at our bills, I knew he wouldn't be able to do that.

"I wouldn't do that to my mate." He rolled his eyes at me, but I accidentally let my eyes wander to Val. She was moving around the room, charming everyone in sight. The dress she was wearing looked like it was made for her. The shopping trip was a success. I'm sure the dress will look great on my best friend's floor later. It should be on my floor. I thought as I chugged the rest of the bottle and resisted the urge to throw it against the wall.

"You are staring, Anthony." I broke out of my trance and turned my attention back to Richard. He looked concerned about me, so I steered the conversation back to his mate. I had no desire to talk to him about my thoughts.

"Do you even fuck Lissa anymore? Can't you tell she had work done that way?" I initially thought of the question to provoke him, but my voice was laced with sadness. I hated Lissa and had for a long time. But he loved her once. Was loyal. She was. They seemed happy at first. At least until he became alpha of his pack and she became a luna. Sometimes, it did feel like my fault. I pushed Wyatt to give him the territory; at the time, he was too young and stupid to realize he didn't want it. So was she.

"If you ask me in the morning, I'll deny saying this. But how could I want to fuck someone so ugly?" That shocked me. Your mate is supposed to always be beautiful to you, no matter their appearance. He grabbed an abandoned bottle of wine from the table and downed what was left of it. He threw it against the wall, and I gave him a cold look. Someone was going to have to clean that up later, and I hated that he didn't give a damn. My mother would be horrified.

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