Getting Back Up

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My whole body hurt, and it had been days. At least one of my ribs was broken, and my one leg was still wrapped up. My stomach was in knots, and the cramps were worse than any I experienced before. The healing was slow, and Kassandra was not interested in helping speed up the process. She was sobbing in the back of my mind the entire time. The pup was gone. The sudden uncontrolled shift and impact of being thrown on the wall ended the pregnancy she so wanted. I was not as convinced as she was about it, but I felt empty. I was starting to be okay with it. What once I was not sure I wanted, I now grieved.

'I'm sorry.' I whispered to her. She made a sound that said she didn't blame me but did not say any words.

'I should not have shifted and reacted that way. I lost control and didn't think.' She said through her sobs. 'We both were not thinking.'

'We will be able to try again, Kassandra.' My words felt like what I was supposed to say as opposed to something I thought of on my own.

'I miss him. I don't often get to be with him.' Kassandra was vague on the details, but I knew her son always died young in her other lifetimes. That fact made me start to miss him too.

Interrupting our conversation, Wyatt appeared at the door. I couldn't help but yelp and curl up tightly. I was terrified. What would he do? I attacked him. I may be his mate, but he was the alpha. One with a reputation that did not disappoint. And in the last few months, I learned that no one can cross an alpha unscarred. A prognostication went across my eyes of being beaten, Wyatt screaming at me for losing our child.

'He will be different this time. I know it.' Kassandra said, but it was not a confident statement. It was wishful thinking at best.

'He hurt us, Kassandra.' How did she not see this? Was I the crazy one here?

'He didn't know. We did bite him.'

'He will never love us.' I cried silently but harder then. How did I even get here? I need to leave. This needs to end.

Anthony stood up quickly and put himself between the bed and Wyatt. His growl was so loud that even the bed shook in fright. "You need to go." He told him.

"I am the alpha here; she is still my mate, Anthony. You have no right to keep her from me." His voice was even, calm.

"I won't let you do this again." The voice that spoke through Anthony must have been Xander. I noticed it was darker with more of a scruffy undertone. They had the same color eyes, though, so it was hard to tell for sure.

"Do not make me command you to leave," They stared each other down like it was some sort of showdown and I couldn't take it anymore.

'It's alright, Anthony.' I linked to him. 'It'll be okay. You can go.'

'I won't be far, Love.' He looked back at me, and I gave him a pained smile.

'I know.' When he finally gave in and left, my hospital room door slammed behind him.

Wyatt slowly walked towards me, and when he put his hand on my back, I stiffened but didn't move away. I felt those sparks that his touch made me feel. But there were less of them. Something was changed between us. Probably forever. His mind reached into mine, causing me to feel calmer.

"I didn't mean for the pup to," I moved away so he couldn't touch me anymore. "I deserve whatever punishment is to come."


Her words felt like a slap to the face. They made my blood boil and then almost immediately freeze. My mate, my love, was afraid of me. I saw in her mind the image of me beating her. That was Kassandra's memory. It was not ours. It would never be. It couldn't be.

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